Halloween Special: Trick and Treats

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Born to Endless Love Halloween Special : Tricks and Treats

Max age: 21, Alec age: 41, Michael age: 13, JJ age: 11

Max Pov- "Ah, I want to suck your blood," I called out in my best dracula impersonation.

It was halloween night and I chose vampire as my costume this year. Using magic, I turned my teeth into fangs, my eyes red, and my blue skin a little paler so it looks like I'm dead. A trickle of fake blood was on the corner of my mouth, trailing down my chin as if I drank from someone.

My boyfriend Andrew shook his head, not amused by my joke.

"That's highly offensive Max."

"Really," I asked surprised and my dad nodded.

"It's true. Vampires do not appreciate it when you act like Dracula around them. Raphael used to get so touchy about it. I used to do it just to get under his skin."

Andrew smirked at me and booped me on the nose with his index finger.

"You make a cute vampire though, so I'll forgive you."

I smiled and kissed his cheek. "Well you make a cute... whatever it is you are dressed as."

He scoffed, backing away and slowly doing a turn to show off his full outfit. He was wearing very tight leather pants that were making my mouth water, a leather vest with no shirt under it, showing his beautiful dancer figure, and matching fingerless gloves. His light brown hair was gelled so it was spiked up a bit, and a bandana was tied around his forehead.

"I'm a sexy biker obviously."

"You're a sexy biker everyday," I pointed out, then blushed when I remembered my dad was standing next to me. He smirked playfully at me before putting up his hands in surrender and walking away.

"I didn't hear anything."

"We should get to the institute to pick up the kids. We'll miss all the good houses if we don't leave now," Andrew said excitedly, grabbing my arm and pulling me to the door.

Andrew, Darius, Dantes and I are taking Michael and his team trick or treating. Michael and JJ go every year, but Maria, Travis, and Kalen haven't before since they grew up in Idris. Honestly, I can't see them being into it. They are always making fun of Michael because he likes doing mundane things. This most likely won't make their opinion any better.

Still, maybe they will be surprised and actually have fun trick or treating. Free candy is free candy after all. Not that Nephilim make a habit of eating candy.

Man... nephilim kids are boring as hell.

Anyway, Michael and the others are thirteen, so this is most likely the last time they can get away with trick or treating without getting that disapproving looks adults tend to give when you're a teen trying to get free stuff. JJ is only ten, so he could do it a couple more years, but there is no way he would without Michael.

"Honestly, I'm dreading this. I'm not in the mood to spend my halloween night with spoiled Nephilim kids who are just going to complain the whole time."

He shook his head walking down the apartment steps with me.

"Don't worry about them. Once they start seeing how fun Halloween can be, they will start getting along and it will be so much fun."

That made me smile as I entwined our fingers. "I love how you always find the good in everything you do. Sadly though I don't think anything good is going to come from this night."

Andrew smiled, laying his head on my shoulder. "Just have some faith love."

I nodded, wondering if there was any way this night could go well. Darius and Dantes are coming, so I guess that's something. Dantes gets annoyed with these kids just as much as I do, so at least we can suffer together.

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