A Blast from the Future

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Born to Endless Love: Chapter Forty-eight - A blast from the Future.

Max age: 24, Alec age: 44

Max Pov- "I am going to get in so much trouble for this," I whispered to myself, tiptoeing through the apartment with The Book Of White in my hand. It was the middle of the night, and I had snuck the book out of dad's office while he's asleep.

I know that if he finds out, he's going to kill me, but I can't take it anymore. I'm getting nowhere with my magic training. He keeps saying he will teach me, and then gets distracted with high warlock business or helping father with something. He says we have centuries to perfect my magic, but I want to get better at it now.

When I was little, I learned how to create flame weapons from this spellbook. Now that I'm older, who knows what else I could do. The magic levels I could achieve are endless. Then maybe I could become so good that I will be able to help dad with some of his clients and make life a little easier for him and father both.

I closed my bedroom door slowly and silently before using a spell to lock it. Not that it would stop dad, but it would at least give me some time to hide the book if need be.

"What should I try to learn first," I asked myself, flipping through the pages. There was a whole chapter on fire weapons alone, but I feel like I'm well equipped in that department, so it was time to learn something new. The deeper I went into the book, the stronger the spells seemed to be. Finally, a page caught my eye and I stared at it in shock and awe.

Time Travel.

Was I seeing this right? I thought time travel was impossible, even to warlocks. If I could master this, then I could go back in time and meet my dad back in the eighteen hundreds. Watch my parents fall in love. Hell, I could see what the eight months my mother had me were like.

There were so many possibilities in front of me.

"This is the one," I decided, looking over the directions for the spell. I needed special ingredients for it. Ones that I'm sure my dad will notice if I take from him. It would probably be best to go to the Shadow Market to collect everything myself.

I tucked the book and my wallet into a bookbag before throwing it over my shoulder. Closing my eyes, I focused on the shadow market and held up my hands summoning a portal to take me there. Not even moments later, a purple pool of magic appeared in front of me.

Smiling, I walked right through it, straight to the entrance of the shadow market on the other side. That warlock I had talked to before, Hayden, said he owned a booth for selling spellbooks and high-end ingredients. If anyone can get me what I needed, it would be him.

I made my way through the crowds of people, looking around at the stalls and trying to remember what direction his was in. He had said that he had two of them, so he could be on either side of the market.

"This could take a while," I sighed, shaking my head.

"What could take a while," a sudden voice next to me asked, causing me to jump and look at who spoke. The warlock I was looking for stood there, his arms behind his back, those golden goat eyes watching me mischievously.

"Hayden, just the warlock I was looking for," I greeted smiling.

He smiled, cocking his head to the side. "Now why would you be looking for little ol me?"

"You said before that you sell potions right? I assume you also sell hard to come by ingredients?"

"I may dabble in collecting, yes. What about it?"

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