The Angel and the Archer

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A/N: This is a long chapter but hope you enjoy it :)

Born To Endless Love- Chapter Sixty-Nine: The Angel and the Archer

Max age: 29, Alec age: 49, Michael age: 20, JJ age: 17 going on 18

Kalen age 11 Pov

"It really would be a golden opportunity for you kids to learn from the best. There are students half your age who are dying to tour the New York Institute. It could open a lot of doors for you," the headmaster of the academy informed us.

She had pulled us out of weapons training to inform us that we had been picked for Jace Herondales 'young hunters training program.' Well actually, there were originally only two spots available. Maria and Travis were the ones chosen, but since Travis and I plan on being Parabatai soon, it means I would have to go with him if he chose to go.

"Wow, a real institute," Maria gasped, seeming to let it all sink in. "I didn't think we would see one till we were eighteen. Is it really alright to leave Idris so soon?"

The headmaster nodded with a smile. "Learning from heroes of war will give you all a leg up from everyone else. Your parents of course would understand the opportunity this is for you."

Travis frowned, slouching slightly in his chair. "Alec Lightwood lives in New York, right? My dad says that he is a brainwashed minion of Downworld, and helps them get away with illegal stuff. I don't think he would let me go anywhere near him."

Maria nodded in agreement. "My grandfather says that Jace and Clary are fake heroes of the Dark war. They were in cahoots with Sebastian Morgenstern, but turned on him in the end to save face."

The headmaster sighed, setting down her pen on the desk. "That's not true. Alec Lightwood is the head of the Shadowhunter/Downworlder alliance and some people aren't okay with that. He is still a very loyal soldier of the angel, as are Clary and Jace."

"So you're saying our parents are wrong?" Travis asked.

"I'm saying that you all should be open minded. Make your own opinions on people and don't just go on what adults say. Believe it or not, they aren't always right."

"You really think it's a good idea for me to go too?" I asked hesitantly. Maria and Travis got picked because they are the best in our age group. I on the other hand am one of the weakest. I suck at welding weapons, as well as hand to hand combat. The best I can do is come up with plans for other people to execute. Mom says that makes me the perfect leader, but what kind of leader can't fight?

"Jace said he would never separate a Parabatai group. He extended the invitation out to you as well. I feel like this extra training would especially benefit you, Kalen. The classes at the academy may be a little hard for you, but maybe a one on one teaching approach is what you need."

"Can we have time to think it over?" I asked, picking at a loose thread on my training pants. "I would like to talk to my mom about everything first."

She nodded, smiling. "Of course. Definitely run it by your families and get their feedback. Though keep in mind what I said about making your own opinions. Don't let any biases they may have keep you from taking the offer."

The three of us nodded and got up, walking out of her office. Once in the hall, Maria looked between us, wide-eyed. "Can you guys believe this? The real New York Institute. We will be able to learn from big name families." She gasped, stars in her eyes. "I will get to meet Isabelle Lightwood!"

"Are you guys sure about this? We just started learning at the Academy. What if we can't handle being outside of Idris?" I asked frowning. Travis put his arm around me smiling. "Don't sweat the small stuff, Kalen. I think the headmaster was right about the one on one training. Maybe it will be better for all of us."

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