Not One of Us

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Max age: Eight Alec age: Twenty Eight

Max Pov- I looked through a line of outfits spread out on my bed wondering what I should wear for such a special occasion. Both father and daddy have business in Idris so I finally get to go there with them. Daddy says that that's where they got me as a baby and I have always wanted to see it. Now father is finally letting me go and I was beyond excited.

"Ready to go my little blueberry" daddy asked walking into the room smiling. His smile turned into a confused frown when he seen I was still in my PJ's. "Why aren't you dressed Max? Father's on a tight schedule we need to go."

I held up a couple outfits frowning "daddy I don't know what to wear. What do you wear to Idris?" Daddy was wearing pretty silver shiny pants, a black shirt, and a silver jacket with a red scarf around his neck. Something told me that wasn't how I was supposed to dress.

"Maybe I should ask father" I said looking at the outfits frowning. Daddy looked offended before crossing his arms "your father wouldn't know style if it hit him on the head." Father walked up leaning on the door frame "I've gotten better, I limited my sweater collection." Daddy looked at him "the sweaters are still frayed and holy."

My daddy liked to make fun of fathers' sweaters but it was obvious he really loved them. Arguing about them just seemed to be something they liked to do. "It's a little chilly in Idris Max so you might want to wear a sweater" father said ignoring daddy's comment about his sweaters.

I nodded grabbing my favorite light blue sweater that compliments my navy skin "thanks father." He smiled winking at me before pulling Magnus out to let me get dressed. People liked to say that I'm a mixture of my parents. I loved bright colors and fashion like my daddy but I also like to wear sweaters and old jeans like father.

Since its early December I've been leaning more toward the sweaters. They're not old looking like fathers but he still likes when I wear them. Once I was finished getting dressed I skipped to the living room excited. "How many kids my age do you think I'll get to meet" I asked slipping into the coat that father was holding open for me.

He smiled helping me button up the coat "who knows. I don't want you wandering too far from grandpas' house while daddy and I are in our meeting. I think there's some kids that live in the houses close by but that's as far as you can go." I nodded and daddy started getting the portal ready "come on Alexander he's eight years old. I think he can handle walking around Alicante on his own."

Father stood up looking at him "he could wander into the woods and get lost or taken by faeries." "I'll be fine" I whined wishing father would stop treating me like a baby. Shadowhunters grew up fast as did warlocks yet my father treats me like I'm five. Being a Shadowhunter with a Downworlder husband and son made you a worry wort I guess.

"I don't want to hear another word about it. I'm letting you go outside and play so be happy you're even getting that." I pouted crossing my arms "no fair." Father wrapped my scarf around my neck before looking into my eyes frowning "Max please do what I say. Not every Shadowhunter is as nice as Uncle Jace and Aunt Isabelle."

Daddy watched father frowning before looking at me "He's right Max. Just stay close to Lightwood Manor alright?" I nodded still not happy but I wasn't going to argue. I didn't like making father worry.

Father kissed my forehead before standing up and grabbing my hand. He led me to the now finished portal "do you see where we're going?" I looked into the portal squinting and smiled seeing a pretty mermaid fountain "Yes father." Daddy smiled "this is your first time going through Portal so make sure you remember the rules we told you about."

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