Where to Go From Here?

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Born to Endless Love Chapter Seventy-One: Where to Go From Here?

Max age: 29, Alec age: 49, Michael age: 20, JJ age: 18

Max Pov- The obnoxious sound of the apartment buzzer repeatedly going off pulled me out of my dreamless sleep. I sat up in bed, groggily looking around the room confused before glancing at the digital clock sitting on my bedside table. The bright blue numbers read 4:38am, making me groan loudly and shove my face back into my pillow.

Who the hell would be pushing the buzzer this early in the morning? Was it one of my parents' clients, and if so, have they never heard of working hours?

The buzzer kept ringing and I groaned again, throwing my blanket off and rolling out of bed. This better be freaking important if they think it's okay to wake us up like this.

I shuffle out of my bedroom, rubbing my eyes and yawning. My parents walk out of their room at the same time and my father looks at me frowning. "Are you expecting someone?"

I raise an eyebrow in question before gesturing to my fuzzy pajama pants covered in pandas and my matching slippers. "Does it look like I'm expecting company? It's probably one of dad's clients, or someone looking for your help."

"Well if that's the case let's just pretend we're not home," Dad yawned, turning to go back to his room. Father crossed his arms over his chest frowning. "You can't just ignore a client, Magnus."

Dad shrugged leaning against his bedroom door frame. "Mrs. Jankens probably just locked herself out of her complex again. She will find her key in her pocket eventually."

Now whoever was at the door was holding the buzzer down so it would continuously ring without stopping. "I don't think they are just going to leave," I deduced, walking over to the door.

I pushed the call button asking, "Who is it?"

"Why the hell did it take you so long to answer!" A familiar voice screamed through the box, making the mic peak and murder our eardrums.

I frowned curiously and pushed the button again. "Lucas, is that you?"

"Max, can you let us up? It's an emergency," Andrew spoke next, and I instantly pushed the button to let them enter the building.

What the heck is going on? Andrew isn't hurt is he? He didn't sound hurt, but he said it was an emergency. Now feeling panicked, I rushed to the door and threw it open.

I'm not sure what I was expecting to see, but Lucas and Andrew standing there with a dead weight Gabe draped over their shoulders definitely wasn't on the bingo card.

"Please," Lucas begged, looking panicked. "You need to help him!"

I moved out of the way so they could bring Gabe inside and father frowned at them. "Hurry and lay him on the couch. What happened?"

They laid Gabe on the couch before Lucas sat on the floor next to him and grabbed his hand tightly. "I'm not fully sure what happened. Gabriel and I were spending some time together when suddenly he got a s.o.s text from JJ. We met him at the institute and he started saying all this stuff that didn't make any sense. Stuff about losing a necklace Gabe gave him and fearing that Joseph was in trouble."

I frowned at that. "Joseph? Joseph is dead, how would he be in trouble?"

"JJ said something about not being able to see his ghost anymore. I don't really know the details about all that. He told Gabe that he lost the necklace he gave him, and suddenly Gabriel was frantic. He ran out of the institute and when I caught up with him, he was yelling all this nonsense about 'needing to get to him,' and 'needing to make sure he was still there.' I drove him to this small rundown shack and once we were inside, Gabe just broke down. He started crying 'he's gone, he's gone' and when I asked who, he said it was Joseph."

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