Tolerate Thy Enemy

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A/N: We are back to regular uploads. Sorry for such a long hiatus. Just to help everyone remember, in the last chapter we found out that Gabriels Parabatai Joseph commited suicide after Gabe lied about not being able to love him. Now Gabriel lives in New York and has to learn how to adjust to living in the city and away from his Parabatai. 

Born to Endless Love - Chapter 34 Tolerate Thy Enemy.

Max age: 20, Alec age: 40

Gabriel Pov- "Where are you taking me? I finally fell asleep and you come barging into my room and demand that I follow you. Where are we going" I asked, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

Darius was holding me by the wrist, pulling me down the obnoxiously long hallway that was surrounded by bedrooms.

"You haven't left your room in two weeks. Joseph wouldn't want you to just lay in your bed rotting away to nothing, so we're going out."

"I'm flattered, Darius, but just because I was gay for Joseph, doesn't mean I'm gay for you. I don't want to go on a date with you."

He rolled his eyes at that. "The fact that you attempted a joke is good. The fact that the joke was horrible wasn't so much. We aren't going on a date."

"Fine. What is it that we're going to do then?"

He smiled, glancing back at me. "I'm going to introduce you to my group of friends. If you're going to turn over a new leaf, then these are the perfect people to help you do it."

This caused me to frown at him. "What kind of friends are we talking about? I thought Dantes and Max were your only friends."

"Ouch Gabe. That hurts me. It hurts me right here" he cried, putting his hand over his heart, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Fine. Who are all your friends I'm going to be meeting?"

He smiled again, going back to pulling me down the many hallways. "Including Dantes, Max, and myself, there are five of us and counting."

"What do you mean 'and counting'?" I asked, confused. He just shrugged.

"We're always adding on to the group depending on dating status. We had a friend named Ebony who was pretty cool for awhile. She dated Max for a couple years, but a demon attack scared her and she left him. You'll be a part of the group of course, and Max has his eye on a guy named Andrew so he's also in the running. That is, if Max ever lets us meet him."

"Wait. Max has a boyfriend? Who would want to date someone like him?"

Darius stopped walking again, looking over his shoulder and gave me an irritated face. I smiled sheepishly at him in return. "Right, I know. I shouldn't say things like that about Max. I promised Joseph I would give him a real chance and I meant it."

"I sure hope you meant it. Max is a great guy. You will find that out when you stop judging him based off his species. So what if he's a warlock? He has a heart and a soul just like us."

"I'll work on remembering that" I sighed making him nod and start to walk again. I thought back to what he was talking about and frowned at him. "Wait, did you say I was going to be part of your group? I don't remember agreeing to something like that."

"Oh, come on Gabriel. Don't knock being in our group before you even meet everybody. You may come to find that you like them."

"How many Shadowhunters are in the group" I asked curious. He looked ahead again, making it so I could only see the back of his head. The fact that he was hiding his face from me made me uneasy.

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