Andrew Sylvan Part One

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Born To Endless Love Chapter Forty-Five: Andrew Sylvan Part One

Max age: 22, Alec age 41

Warning: This chapter contains themes of Intense blood and gore, Domestic Abuse, drug use, and suicide. Read with caution.

Max Pov- I stood in front of the Dumort, looking over my phone as I waited for my boyfriend to make his way outside. We've been dating for six months now, and he wanted to go out to eat to celebrate. A sort of, almost anniversary as he called it. I thought it was cute so I jumped at the opportunity, never needing an excuse to spend time with Andrew.

Hands appeared over my eyes and the sound of a familiar giggle came behind me.

"Guess who."

"Is it Zac Effron?"

"Ew, that guy is like 43. That's older than your father."

I laughed, grabbing his hands and peeling them off my face. "He's still a hot old dude. He's like George Clooney, only gets better with age."

Andrew frowned confused. "Who's George Clooney?"

I shrugged. "I don't really know. I was just quoting something my dad said to my father once."

He laughed and wrapped his arms around my neck, jumping up on my back. I caught his legs so he could wrap them around my waist, and I shook my head starting to walk.

"How many times do I have to tell you that you are too tall to be piggybacked?"

He giggled, wrapping his arms around me even tighter. "How many times do I have to tell you that you are taller than me and I'm not heavy, so it's not a problem?"

"Sure, the one being carried doesn't think it's a problem."

He laid his chin on my shoulder. "You could always use magic to make yourself stronger."

That made me smile. "You just like giving me reasons to use my magic."

He nodded. "It's just like that snake guy said at the Shadow Market. A Downworlder should use his gifts whenever he can. You'll never improve if you don't practice. Is there anything else for your dad to teach you?"

I nodded turning the corner. "He said there are advanced spells I still need to learn. Like I said at the market though, he's been so busy between helping father with the orphanages, and pleasing his clients, there hasn't been much time to teach me anything lately. He promised that we would get back to it though once everything settles down."

"Well good. You have a lot of potential Max. I'd hate to see it wasted. Someday I'm sure you'll be able to help people just like your dad does."

"I would like to," I agreed before coming to a stop and looking over my shoulder at him. "Okay, but seriously. I need you to get down."

He pouted adorably before sighing and hopping off my back. "Take the fun out of my day, why don't you?"

I grabbed his hand instead so we could walk side by side. "What can we do to make it fun again?"

He shrugged, swinging our arms back and forth. "Did you eat lunch yet? We could go sit somewhere."

"You don't need to eat. We should do something we can both do together," I argued.

"I don't mind going to eat with you. Just because I can't eat doesn't mean I don't want to sit in a restaurant with you and talk. As long as we can spend time together, I don't mind what we're doing."

I smiled at that. "I wish you didn't have to work tonight. I really wanted to take you dancing."

Andrew groaned, squeezing my hand and laying his head on my shoulder. "Oh I would love to go dancing with you. We haven't been dancing since the day we went to Pandemonium with your dad."

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