Downworld Fears

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Born To Endless Love Chapter Forty-Seven - Downworld Fears.

Max age: 22, Alec age: 42

Max Pov

"I'm here Penelope. Are you going to answer," I asked, knocking on her apartment door. She called me out here so suddenly, without telling me the reason why she wanted me to come over. All she said was that she needs to talk to someone.

Quinton's been out almost every night with the pack, so he wouldn't be home right now. Maybe something happened, and she can't talk to him, so she chose me instead.

The front door opened enough so she could peek through it at me. Her face was tear stained, making my shoulders tense up.

"What happened? Are you hurt?," I asked, worried that she could have been hurt while Quinton is away.

She shook her head and opened the door all the way to let me in. "I'm not hurt. Just been lost in my head is all. Girls tend to get emotional when that happens."

I walked into her apartment, not taking my eyes off of her. "Everyone gets emotional when that happens. Never mind that though, what's the matter? Why were you crying?"

She smiled at me before walking past me to get to the kitchen. "Do you want anything to drink? I got some wine as a gift from my wedding."

I shook my head no. "Water is fine. Why aren't you answering my questions?"

She grabbed a glass and filled it with ice before getting water from her fridge. "If I talk about it... then I'll just cry again."

I frowned at that. "Why? What is so upsetting that it will make you cry to talk about it? You know you can tell me anything."

She nodded, getting a glass of water for herself before walking over to sit on the couch. I followed her, sitting down next to her. She took a sip of the water before setting it on the coffee table in front of the couch, and pulling her legs up to her chest to hug them.

"I've just been a little stressed out about this whole... pack leader thing..."

"You don't want Quinton to be a pack leader," I asked, frowning. "Why didn't you talk to him about it?"

She shook her head no, looking away. "It's not that I don't want him to do it. I've known for a long time that being a werewolf was dangerous. They get in fights, they protect each other above all else. I've known that for years..."

Hiding her face in her knees, she hugged them tighter. "But now he is a pack leader. That's so much more dangerous. If someone challenges him, it's a fight to the death. He's gone all night, ensuring the safety of his pack. I have to sit here alone wondering if he's going to come home... it's scary."

I frowned at that and reached out, rubbing the top of her head. "He will come home to you soon. The only reason he has to be out so late right now is because it's all so new. Everyone in the pack needs to adjust to the new order of things. Once everything settles down, he will be home more often."

"What if one of the others decides he's not fit to be a leader? They could challenge him for his position and... Max, I can't handle the thought of him never coming home. We just got married. The two of us are in an adjustment period too. Doesn't that matter to him?"

"Of course it does. Nothing in the world matters to Quinton more than you. You have been the center of his world since you guys were in middle school."

Penelope looked up from her knees, tears forming in her eyes. She frowned, before standing up and walking over to the front window, looking down at the street below.

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