Vacation in Peru

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Max age: 15, Alec age: 35

Max Pov- I stood in the living room trying to have complete concentration. I recently learned levitation spells and was showing father my progress by moving a very priceless vase dad got in the 1800's. Father was sitting on the edge of the couch looking really paranoid that I would drop it. "Please don't drop it" he said watching it float in the air.

"I'm not going to drop it" I said rolling my eyes. I swiped my hand making it move faster and my father sat up looking like he was going to have a heart attack. "By the angel Max please don't drop it." "If I do dad can fix it" I sighed rolling my eyes once again.

"I dare you to roll your eyes at me one more time" he said not even looking away from the vase. Father was so observant that he didn't even have to be looking at me to know I was rolling my eyes. I sighed going back to putting all of my focus on the vase. I was just about to move it back onto the table when dad slammed the front door open yelling excitedly making me lose my concentration and lose hold of the vase.

Father quickly leaped into action diving onto the floor and catching the vase before it could hit the ground and shatter. "I can't believe it, I can't believe it, I can't believe it" dad cheered excitedly before looking down just noticing father on the floor. "Why are you on the floor Alexander?" Dad blew some hair out of his face before saying "oh you know, just for the fun of it."

Dad shrugged before going back to jumping with excitement. "What has you so excited" I asked looking at a letter he had clenched in his hands. Father stood up putting the vase on the table "if he's this excited it can't be good." Dad held out the letter to father "The board of warlocks finally lifted my banishment from Peru!"

Father took the letter reading it over and his eyes widened "by the angel, they really did." I gasped excitedly "does this mean we get to go to Peru? Auntie Catarina has told me so much about your adventures there." Dad nodded smiling "yep, in fact we're going to go right now."

I cheered jumping up and down with dad but father crossed his arms. "I can't up and go to Peru Magnus I have responsibilities and there's no way I'm allowing you to go alone with Max." Dad and I both stopped jumping and both gave father pouty faces. I whined "But fatherrrr" as dad whined "but Alexanderrrr!"

"I'm sorry but there's just too much trouble for the two of you to get in. I won't allow it." Dad got on fathers left side while I got on his right and we each grabbed him by the shoulder shaking him back and forth. "Come on father it's Peru." "Yeah Alexander Peru."

He looked at each of us trying to look stern but it was obvious his wall was crumbling "I said no." Dad and I both smiled and we hugged father both saying "Peru, Peru, Peru!" We kept repeating it over and over again getting louder and louder before finally he had enough and father yelled "Fine we will go to Peru!"

Dad and I cheered before we fist bumped each other smirking "team warlock wins again" dad said smiling. I nodded now super excited. "I can't wait. I want to see the rain forest, the temples, do they still eat Guinee pigs' in Peru?" Dad shrugged "I haven't been there in years so I don't really know." I shrugged before running to my room going to go pack.

"Why did you make us take a plane instead of portaling" father asked stepping off the plane. A seven-hour flight was not doing him well and he did not like flying one bit. Dad shrugged smiling "flying to Peru was always a fun part of it." I smiled looking around the airport "I enjoyed flying, it was a lot of fun."

Father shook his head grabbing his bag "please let us portal on the way home?" Dad rolled his eyes smiling before kissing father briefly "yes darling, I won't make you get back onto the big mean air plane anymore." I laughed and father glared at him "no need for sarcasm Magnus."

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