A Night Under The Stars

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Max age: 17, Alec age: 37

Max Pov- I stood in front on my full length mirror looking over my appearance for the hundredth time in the last ten minutes. Tonight was a big night and I had to make sure I looked perfect.

Tonight I was doing something I thought I would never be able to do in my life. I'm attending a High school prom. Ebony asked me to escort her to her senior prom and who was I to say no? I was actually super excited to be able to go into the High school for once instead of just standing outside it to wait for everyone.

I asked my dad if I could borrow one of his old Victorian styled suits from the eighteen-hundreds since Ebony was planning on wearing an elegant Victorian styled ball gown. The petticoat and undershirt were both black while my vest was a dark purple with gold swirls on it. My pants were also black and I had a purple top hat to match my vest.

I chose a simple black eyeliner to make my blue eyes pop. Ebony likes when I wear makeup but for tonight I think just the eyeliner will do.

I made my way to the living room and my father put his hand over his heart smiling at me. "look how handsome you are. By the angel you've grown so fast." I smiled at him before looking at my dad. "so do you think I pull off the Victorian style?"

Dad walked around me, looking over my attire before smiling "looks better on you than me." I smiled at him before looking at my phone "Penelope and Quinton should be here any minute. I'm gonna meet Ebony at the school." Father smiled pulling out his phone "good I want to get plenty of pictures."

Dad looked at him with an amused smile "you're one of 'those' parents Alexander?" Father looked at dad "what do you mean?" Dad shrugged smiling "you're going to be that parent who makes their child and their friends take a thousand pictures together in different poses."

Father crossed his arms "I am not going to be one of those parents. I just want a couple pictures. It's not every day our only son goes to prom." "Two days ago you didn't even know what prom was Alec" dad said smirking.

I laughed shaking my head "well in fathers defense I didn't know what a prom was either. Penelope about lost her head when I asked her what it was. She told me it was the most magical day of a young girls' life while Quinton told me it's one of the most terrifying of any guys'. I don't really know who to believe."

"It's said that mundane males spend a lot of money on their dates when it comes to prom night. You have magic so you don't have to worry about that" dad said smiling. "You don't have to worry about that tonight anyway" Father said glancing at dad. "Using magic is stealing Max. You don't steal do you?"

I shook my head smiling "no sir. I simply borrow." Dad laughed shaking his head and he high fived me as father looked at me with a none too pleased expression. "I'm being serious Max. Using magic to make things appear to you is stealing and it's wrong."

Dad nodded smiling "your father is right Max. We Lightwood-banes don't steal." I raised an eyebrow at that "you're just agreeing with him because you don't want him to be mad at you."

The doorbell buzzed making dad smile and go to the door "look at that, your friends are here. Guess this conversation is over huh?" I rolled my eyes at this "for now it is."

He opened the door and both Quinton and Penelope walked in looking absolutely amazing. Penelope's dress was pink (no surprise there) and it was short in the front yet long in the back. The dress was made of beautiful silk and was strapless.

Quinton was as under dressed as you could get at a school dance. He was wearing a suit but the last three buttons of his dress up shirt were unbuttoned and his tie was loose. His hair was styled but less for prom and more for going to the club or something.

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