A New Addition?

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Max, age: 20, Alec, age: 40

Max Pov- "So... what am I looking at here," Darius asked, his eyes wide in shock. Dantes and I were shocked as well by what was standing before us. Or rather, who was standing before us. Gabriel Penrose was at the doors of the Institute, with a suitcase and duffel bag sitting at his feet.

Uncle Jace walked up, his arms crossed over his chest. "Gabriel will be staying at the New York Institute until further notice. I hope you all will be respectful and help him adjust to living in New York. I know personally how strange it is to suddenly go from the quiet lifestyle of Idris, to the loud hustle and bustle of the city."

I glanced around before stretching my neck out slightly, trying to see behind Gabriel. He raised an eyebrow at me questioningly and I straightened up looking back at him. "Where's Joseph? Isn't your Parabatai supposed to go with you where you travel?"

Uncle Jace frowned at me, opening his mouth to speak but Gabriel cut him off, saying "Joseph is the reason I'm here. We're... spending time apart."

That caused Darius to frown. "You two have always been inseparable. Are you in the middle of a fight or something? It can't be so bad that you have to move to New York."

"I never said I was moving to New York Fag," He snapped before flinching and glancing away looking... guilty? I don't think I have ever seen guilt be in Gabe's eyes before. Hate and disgust sure, but guilt?

"Sorry... I didn't mean to call you that. Old habits die hard," he mumbled, making Darius, Dantes and I look at each other in confusion.

"Gabriel will be having the room a couple doors down from yours Darius. Can you show him how to get there? I would do it but I should get Michael and JJ's training started. If I don't do that now, they will find a way to weasel out of it."

Darius nodded, knowing all too well how hard it is to get Michael and JJ to focus on training. Michael thinks he's ready for hunting now and doesn't need any more training. JJ just likes to sit in the back and read.

Jace thanked him before looking at Gabriel, placing his hand on his shoulder. "The Institute is your home now so don't hesitate to ask if you need something. Even if you just need to talk to someone, I'm here okay?"

He nodded, bowing his head slightly in respect. "Thank you for everything you're doing for me Mr. Herondale."

"Mr. Herondale makes me sound old. Just call me Jace okay?" He suggested before walking away to find Michael and JJ. Once he was gone, the four of us just stood there in awkward silence. Darius was the first to break it, clearing his throat.

"Right, well... I guess we'll be showing you to your room."

Gabe nodded picking up his things and starting to head down the hallway with us. "My room is a couple doors down from yours?"

Darius nodded, looking back at him over his shoulder as he led the way. "Yeah, it's two doors down because the room in between them used to be Dantes'. We share a room now but Dantes still has most of his things in there."

"You both share a room? Jace and Clary are okay with that," he asked; sounding genially surprised. I guess that is weird to be allowed to room with your boyfriend but we were adults now. It only made sense that they should have a space to be together.

Still, I'm twenty and I already know that if I tried to have a date stay the night, my parents would either shut the idea down or make them sleep on the couch or in the guest room. My parents still see me as their little boy.

We made it to the bedroom hallway and I used the newly formed silence around us to glance over at Gabe, really taking in his appearance now that I had the chance. There seemed to be something different about him. His normally perfect posture was bent as if a giant weight was on his shoulders, His hair was disheveled and un-brushed, and he was wearing a white shirt with black jeans.

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