A Special Day For Malec

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Max age: 17, Alec age: 37

Magnus Pov- "Explain to me again why I'm being shoved out of the house" Max asked watching as I threw an overnight bag full of clothes at his feet. "Because tonight's a special night for your father and I so you need to be out of the house." Max frowned thinking over what it could possibly be. "It's not yours or fathers' birthday."

I shook my head no walking around the flat and making sure everything was perfect. I had candles set up and lit to make the room look more romantic. I had containers full of Alec's favorite food, lamb from Taki's, sitting on the counter. I also had soft music playing in the background on an old fashioned record player.

"Today is your father's and my wedding anniversary so I'm planning this romantic night for us. You'll be staying at Quinton's tonight." Max leaned on the living room wall watching me double check all the things I just checked moments ago. "Oh that's right. What has it been, ten years?"

"Twelve years but who's counting" I said smiling at all of my work. I grabbed Max's overnight bag and shoved it into his arms before shoving him to the front door. "Your father will be here any minute so I need you to be gone." Max turned back to look at me once he was in the hallway "you know this isn't really a great way to treat your only son."

I blew him a kiss smiling saying "love you Blueberry" before slamming the door shut in his face. I may have been rude to my son by forcing him out of the house but I really couldn't help it. It's been so long since Alexander and I have had time alone together and our twelfth wedding anniversary seemed like the perfect chance.

I sat on the couch waiting for Alec to come home and I let that number sink into my head. Twelve years. Alec and I have been married for twelve wonderful years and I'm still not any less in love with him than I was the day we got married. It was hard to believe that we have been together in general for nineteen years.

Alec has come a long way from the shy, closeted boy that I met at Chairman Meows birthday party. He used to be so afraid, so unsure of himself but I helped him get over that. I got to watch him become a strong, proud happy man and I'm impressed every day with how much he's still growing.

There was a huge gap between eighteen-year-old Alec and Thirty-Seven-year-old Alec. I'm pretty sure if I went back in time and told young Alec who he would become, what an amazing father he would turn out to be, and all the things he would accomplish he wouldn't believe me. Hell, I don't really think my own past self would have believed it.

The part of me who doesn't ever want to lose Alec hated seeing how much of a man he has become. The older he gets the closer he is to being gone. Alec's age has never bothered me. He complains that he's getting old and he isn't as hot as he used to be but that's all nonsense to me. Alec may not be 'hot' (though to me he will always be hot and sexy) but he was definitely handsome. He was aging well and I feel like even when his hair turns white and there's wrinkles on his face I will still think he is drop dead gorgeous. Alec may age but his heart never will.

Anyway, those first five years were amazing once we got passed all of the hard times. I didn't think I could love Alec any more than I did back then but then we adopted Max. Seeing Alec be a father made me fall in love with him all over again. I knew that he was strong but watching him go all those years with Max pushing him aside, and just letting it roll off his back made me see just how strong Alec really is.

If the tables were switched and Max pushed me away, I don't think I would have been able to handle it. Not as good as Alec anyway. He wasn't always strong of course. There would be days where Alec would want to spend time with Max but Max would say he didn't want to and would go off with his friends. I found Alec crying in our bathroom more than one occasion on days like those.

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