Rainy Days

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A/N: okay so in the last chapter I made a small mistake. Max told his future self that Quinton and penelope are still expecting their baby, but I forgot I skipped a year so they would have already had their baby. I went back and fixed it but for anyone who didn't see it, they had a little girl named Jemma.

Born to Endless Love Chapter Forty-nine: Rainy Days

Max age: 24, Alec age: 44

Magnus Pov- “Is father going to be alright,” Max asked, watching Alec, frowning. 

It’s been three days since Max attempted the time travel spell and accidentally summoned his future self to the past. That Max and Alec had spent the day together, and ever since he has been quiet. It’s nothing like when he gets in the zone for work. 

No, this was the bad kind of silence. 

He seems so lost in thought, sad even. What could have happened between the two of them to suddenly make him act like this?

“He will be alright,” I answered my son's question. “He just has a lot on his mind.” 

I pulled my attention away from Alec and started organizing some of the spellbooks on my bookshelf in the living room. 

“Have you asked him about it,” Max pushed, not letting the subject go. He glanced back over to his father who was currently sitting by the living room window, holding a mug of coffee and just staring out said window as the rain poured. 

“I’m trying to give him his space for now. He will talk to me when he is ready to do so. Forcing your father to talk about his feelings is like pulling teeth.”

“The same could be said about you,” he sighed, looking back over at his father. 

He was right though. Something was bothering Alexander, and I can’t help but think it has to do with the future version of Max. What had he said to Alec? It’s obvious he knows that he didn’t spend the day with our Max, because no matter how much he asks about it, Alec won’t talk to him about what was said. I hate that he feels like he has to carry it all on his shoulders, whatever it is. 

“He just needs a distraction,” I said, coming over to stand next to Max to also watch Alec. He looked up at me curiously. “A distraction?”

I nodded smiling. “Back when you were little, your father would get like this sometimes. He would be under stress about the Shadowhunter-Downworlder alliance, or just about life in general. A good distraction would always pull him right out of those messy thoughts.” 

“What worked back then?”

I shrugged, grabbing a blue silk robe that was hanging on the couch and throwing it on. “Back then you were still a child, and you would beg Alec to play games with you. He would drop everything for you, and give you his full attention.” 

“Do you think that would work now?” He sounded hopeful and I smiled sympathetically at him. 

“I don’t know Blueberry. Maybe you should just leave this one to me.”

He frowned at that. “But it’s my fault.”

I shook my head no, caressing my thumb against his blue cheek. “It’s not. How about you go visit with Andrew for an hour. Once you come back let’s have a nice family dinner together.”

He hesitated, glancing back over at Alec. I know he never likes leaving when Alec isn’t at a hundred percent. He’s like me on that front.

“It will be okay. I got this.”

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