Still By His Side

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Born to Endless Love Chapter Thirty-Nine: Still By His Side

Michael age: 13, JJ age: 11

JJ Pov -  “Why are we up so early” Michael whined sleepily. 

It was four in the morning, way earlier than we are used to being up. Michael, Maria, Travis, and Kalen were all whining sleepily as my dad and uncle Simon lead us down the hallway to the training room. 

“You’re having a special training session and it requires you to be awake early,” dad explained. “Besides, when you turn sixteen you will have to get used to being up until dawn to hunt demons.” 

That made the four of them perk up. “Does that mean we are practicing demon hunting tonight,” Maria asked excited. 

“Kind of,” uncle simon answered rubbing the back of his neck. He looked a bit tired but seeing that aunt Isabelle was six months pregnant with twins, it’s not too surprising. She does a lot of yelling and crying since getting pregnant. Dad said it was something called hormones. 

“Maria, Travis, Michael and Kalen, you are going with Jace and I to patrol the area. You are only going to learn protocol and watch. If you see a demon do not engage unless your life is in danger.” 

Michael groaned at that. “Oh come on dad. I want the chance to show off my skills.” 

Travis snorted in distaste. “What skills?” 

Maria and Kalen snickered in return, causing Michael to glare at them. My dad shook his head, looking at them all from over his shoulder. 

“It’s been five months since you became a team. You would think you’d be capable of acting like one by now. Alec, Isabelle, and I were in perfect sync by at least two. The five of you need to find some common ground and stop this bickering.” 

I don’t know why he said the five of us. It’s not like I ever get into fights with any of my teammates. If anything, they are always the one picking on me. Not Michael, but the others are always complaining about my age. Michael says they are just mad that I keep showing them up. It’s not like I intentionally go out of my way to do so. It’s just what seems to happen. 

Maria and Travis are the ones who always seem to start something either with me or with Michael. Kalen laughs at their taunts sometimes but he rarely gets involved with it. He’s said some mean things to michael a couple times, but he’s usually nice to me, which is strange. 

Usually it’s the other way around. Adults are still keeping a close eye on me, expecting me to become the next demon loving shadowhunter killer like my uncle. My lack of personality and emotion still puts a lot of people off, but it’s something I can’t help. 

No matter how hard I try, I can’t cry or smile. All my sister Jocey ever does is smile. She’s like the personification of sunshine itself. She’s never cried either, but since she’s so warm and nice, no one is thinking she’s some killer to be. 

Life can be so unfair sometimes. 

“Why isn’t JJ coming with us,” Michael asked, changing the subject. “He’s a part of our group so he should get to come too.” 

My dad shook his head no. “Clary gave it a big nope and I have to agree. Eleven is too young to be out with demons. He’s going to stay here. The only reason he’s awake is because he heard you all whining from his room.” 

We made it to the practice room and Gabe Penrose was there. He was dressed in training gear, his black hair slicked back with gel to keep out of his brown eyes. There was a belt full of daggers around his waist, seeing as that was his weapon of choice. He was really good at throwing daggers. I would often sit in the practice room while he was training and pretend to read while really just watching him. 

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