The Magnus Bane Treatment

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Born to Endless Love Chapter Thirty-Five: The Magnus Bane Treatment.

Max Age: 21, Alec Age: 40

Max Pov- "How do I look? Am I wearing too much makeup? Am I not wearing enough makeup? Do my bangs look stupid swiped to the side? Maybe I should slick my hair back? What do you think?"

My dad sat on my bed watching me as I tossed every fabric of clothes I owned out of my closet, trying to find the best thing to wear. Tonight, was a special night that I have been waiting for all year long.

It was my twenty-first birthday today, meaning I was finally the mundane legal age for drinking and partying. Last year my dad promised me that he would take me to the club Pandemonium to show me how he used to party before meeting my father.

It's not like dad has completely stopped partying. He throws a loft party occasionally. Father isn't a big fan of them though, so dads learned how to adjust to a quiet married life without them. Dad says this is going to be the first time he's been to Pandemonium in almost a decade.

Even though he hasn't gone in a long time, it is obvious from the treatment I got when I went there that he is still considered royalty to Downworlders. They refused to let us in until Andrew told the bouncer that I was the son of Magnus Bane. Before I knew it, the bouncer was shaking in his boots and letting us in without any more fuss.

"Stop worrying so much Max. Your hair looks perfect and your makeup is done just right. Why are you freaking out so much?"

I rolled my eyes at his obvious question. "Are you seriously asking me that? You look freaking amazing! I have to look even a sliver as good as you or people will question wither or not I'm really your son! They will laugh at you and stop respecting you!"

Dad looked down at his leather pants, rainbow glittery tang-top, and studded leather Jacket before looking back up at me and laughing. "Wow kid, you are worrying way too much. You dress great and don't need to feel like you have to be just like me. I'm not going to get rejected by my peers just because my son doesn't dress just like me."

I sighed leaning against my closet door. "It's not just impressing your peers. Andrew is coming with us as well. Even if we aren't dating, I still want to impress him with my fashion sense. If I don't look hot, he might meet a guy at the club and flirt with him in front of me. I would die if that happened!"

Dad gave me a droll stare before the corner of his mouth quirked up in a slight smile. "You two should seriously date already. It's so obvious that you two are into each other."

I shook my head so fast, I could have gotten whiplash. "No way. Andrew wants to just be friends and I'm okay with that. I'm not going to ruin our friendship by pressuring him into dating me."

"If you say so," dad said, standing up. "The least you could do is introduce him to your friends. It's weird not letting your friends meet each other."

"That will happen sometime soon... just not yet."

The sound of the apartment buzzer went off, signaling that Andrew had arrived. I frowned, looking down at my tight black skinny jeans, glittery high-tops, and purple top with straps that hung off my shoulders.

"Maybe I should change."

Dad rolled his eyes before grabbing my favorite beanie and putting it on my head. "You look perfect. Now come on. You don't want to keep Andrew waiting long."

A part of me was already regretting inviting him along. At first it was just going to be dad and I, but I brought it up to Andrew when we went out for coffee and he burst with excitement. He practically begged me on his hands and knees to be allowed to go.

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