Is it Love Part Two- Lunch with Dad's

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Max age: 16, Alec age: 36

Alec Pov- I watched Max as he ran around the room trying to make a bunch of different meals at once while also setting the table. "Max calm down it's just lunch." He looked at me shocked "it's not just lunch. It's lunch with Crystal."

"We have all met before Max so it's not like this is going to be some big deal." He rolled his eyes going back to moving around the room "Father this is a big deal. This is a lunch where my parents are getting to know my girlfriend. That sounds like a pretty big deal to me."

"Whatever you say son" I said before going into the living room where Magnus was sitting on the couch sulking. "Oh, what are you sulking about over here" I asked in a mocking voice. He glanced back at me "you know what I'm sulking about Alexander. I don't want to do this."

I rolled my eyes sitting next to him and rubbing his shoulders. "Oh come on Magnus. Having lunch with Crystal isn't the end of the world." "yes it is, I don't wanna do it."

I moved my hands to his face, cupping it making him look into my eyes. "Magnus this is Max's first girlfriend. He wants us to get along with her so that's what we will have to do. It may be burden on us but it's for our son. Don't you want to make Max happy?"

He nodded "of course I want to make Max happy. I also wish Max was dating a sweet young lady who wasn't obviously homophobic like her parents." "We have no control over what she thinks about us. We just have to be the bigger people and endure it for our son."

The door buzzer went off and Max ran out of the kitchen to answer it. He pushed the button letting her in before looking at us smiling "you two ready?" Magnus rolled his eyes but stood up faking a smile "yep." I stood up wrapping my arm around Magnus's "we're ready."

Max nodded before opening the door letting Crystal in "welcome to my home." She smiled at Max leaning in and kissing his cheek before walking into the flat "thank you so much for inviting me to lunch Max." He smiled "I wanted to give you and my parents time to know each other." Crystal turned looking at us before the fakest smile I have ever seen plastered across her face.

I've seen enough homophobic Shadowhunters to know what that smile meant. It was the 'I don't like that you're gay but I'm going to pretend like I don't mind' smile. Her mother would also give me that smile every time Max had a playdate with Penelope and her old friends. It seems the apple doesn't fall far from the homophobic tree.

Magnus put on his award winning fake smiled and grabbed crystals hand "it's a privilege to finally get to spend time with the girl who has captured our young Max's heart." She laughed awkwardly, pulling her hand away "yes it is great. Is lunch ready?" Max nodded grabbing her hand and going with her to the dining room.

Magnus looked at me still smiling but he was obviously not happy "I don't know if I can do this Alec." I rubbed his shoulder "it's just lunch. We can get through this okay?" He took a deep breath before heading to the dining room with me.

Max and Crystal were already sitting next to each other at the table and were staring into each other's eyes like love sick puppies. I watched them a moment before looking at Magnus "did we ever do that?" He shrugged "I think when we were alone." I shrugged and went to the kitchen grabbing the lunch and taking it to the table.

Max made a surprisingly good lunch for us. He made a big chicken salad which I thought wasn't really lunch, more of a side dish but he said it would be plenty for Crystal. Max served us all salad before going back to staring at Crystal smiling. Crystal glossed over her meal looking uninterested before pushing it slightly aside "So what should I call the two of you?"

Magnus and I both looked at each other confused before looking back at her "what do you mean?" She shrugged "with my past boyfriends I called their parents Mr. and Mrs., but since you're both guys I don't know really how to address you. Mr. Lightwood and Mr. Bane? Mr. A, and Mr. M?"

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