Operation Max and Ebony!

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Max Age: 16, Alec Age: 36

Penelope Pov- "Are you done packing yet" Max asked watching me try to choose one out of my ten bathing suits. "Max we are going to the Bahamas. I need to make sure everything I wear is perfect in case I meet any hot beach guys." Max raised an eyebrow at this "you know your boyfriend is going to be there right? Besides that, it's a private resort."

I nodded throwing the swimsuit I was looking at on my bed and grabbing another one "yes I know he will be there. I have to make sure to look great for him as well. Just because I have a boyfriend doesn't mean I don't want others to think I look hot. It's a look but don't touch situation."

"Right; well be careful how you dress around my parents. My dad may not care but if too much of your skin is showing I'm sure my father will cover you up with a blanket. You're like a daughter to him you know." I nodded not able to stop the smile from coming to my face "I know."

It was nice knowing that I have father figures with both Alec and Magnus. My father died when I was two so I never really got to know him. I never felt like I missed out on it though because I always had Alec and Magnus. Magnus would always have tea parties with me and play dress up. Alec would always pick me up when I had a scraped knee and he would hold me until I would stop crying.

Whenever I hear anyone say that they feel bad for Max because he has two dads and no mom I always yell at them. Alec and Magnus show so much love for Max that he doesn't need a mother. That near sighted thinking is just the worst.

"Darius and Dantes are coming too don't forget. You'll have a lot of guys there to protect you." I nodded sighing "yes I will be the only girl there as usual. We really need to meet another female friend."

Max glanced away "well about that..." I blinked confused "what is it?" He rubbed the back of his neck still avoiding eye contact with me "I may have invited another one of my friends to come with us. She said her father didn't mind so it sounds like she's coming." "Wait, we're portaling to the Bahamas so who else is there who knows about you being a warlock?"

He stayed silent for a moment before saying "Ebony Carter." I stared at him shocked "since when have you become friends with Ebony Carter?" He shrugged "we met at my birthday party and have been talking ever since. She was in the park after Crystal dumped me and she saw my real form. She wasn't afraid of me and she was actually excited about it."

"Well yeah she is all about super natural stuff. It's been six months since Crystal broke up with you yet you're just telling me about Ebony now? Why?" He shrugged frowning "I was going to bring her to the fair to meet all of you but I remembered how you all felt about me suddenly bringing Crystal and I didn't want you all to be mad at me again."

I shook my head "Max I was mad because it was Crystal not because you brought someone. You randomly brought Darius and Dantes around and it was the greatest thing you ever did. If there is a chance I can have a female friend in our group, I will take it." He looked confused "I thought you didn't like Ebony."

I crossed my arms "I never said I didn't like Ebony. All I said is that everyone at school thought she was strange. Our whole group of friends are strange though so she would definitely fit in. I can't wait to talk to her."

Max smiled, his blue cheeks flushing a little making them turn a shade of purple. That only happened when he was blushing. I smirked noticing this "Maxwell, Raphael Lightwood-Bane, why are you blushing right now?" "I'm not blushing" he protested but it only ended up making him blush more.

I squinted my eyes staring him down "Max, what aren't you telling me?" He rolled his eyes "oh come on Penny. We have a schedule to keep so hurry up and pack so we can head to my place." I sighed going back to packing "fine but I keep telling you, you should wear a glamour when you're at my house. My mom could walk in any moment."

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