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Born To Endless Love Chapter Forty-One: Rose-Heart

Max age: 21, Alec age: 41

Darius Pov- "Why do I feel like I'm going to pass out," I asked, waving my hand in front of my face.

"Maybe because you're about to get married," Gabriel suggested, trying to fix my black necktie so it was nice and straight. Besides that I was wearing black suit pants and a white undershirt with a gold blazer over it.

"Why isn't Max here helping you get ready," Michael asked, sitting in a chair with JJ. They were both in the wedding, so were wearing black tuxes that made them look adorable.

"He will be here in a little bit. Penelope needed his help getting Dantes ready. That's not too surprising I guess. Dantes hates having to dress up. If he had it his way we would have eloped and had one of the silent brothers marry us in private. Magnus wouldn't hear of it though."

"Penelope and I had a great wedding, so why not the two of you," Quinton asked coming on the other side of me and brushing any lint off of my jacket.

"You and Penelope planned a big wedding all your lives. Dantes is more... he likes the simple things. When you grow up in faerie, you're used to simple."

Gabe snorted at that. "You two are having a wedding in Alec and Magnus's tiny ass apartment. What's more simple than that?"

"Eloping," I answered simply making them all roll their eyes at me.

"Just let your friends throw you the big wedding you deserve," Quinton complained before looking at Michael and JJ. "As for you two, are you prepared? Do you know what your roles are?"

"I'm holding the rings, simple enough," Michael said shrugging.

"I toss flowers around. Why am I the flower girl? You know I have a little sister who would happily throw flowers around for you," JJ asked simply.

I shrugged. "Dantes thought it would be funny to see such an expressionless guy throw flowers around."

JJ thought about that for a moment before shrugging, glancing over to the corner of the room, where Gabe was standing looking at his phone. Of course he's wearing white to the wedding. It's been five months and that hasn't changed.

I've taken notice that JJ likes to look at Gabe alot. I can't tell if the little guy has a crush on him, or just admires him. It's cute, but a little sad since his first crush is on someone he can't have. Kalen seems to have noticed it too. He gets irritated whenever JJ's attention is taken.

There was a knock on the door before Max walked in smiling. "Hey, how are things going in here?"

"Perfect surprisingly. How are things going on the other end," Quinton asked.

"Hmm, it could be going better. Getting Dantes to dress up is like pulling teeth. You would think he would bare it for his own wedding."

That made me laugh. "He really hates fancy clothes. I had to hear him complain constantly about how uncomfortable his suit for Quinton and Penelope's wedding was, all night."

"Well I finally got him dressed, so we should be starting this thing soon. Since Dantes has no 'bridesmaids', I guess we'll just walk to the altar alone."

Gabe looked at the time on his phone. "We wanted to get this started around noon, right? The silent brother officiating the ceremony should be here by now and it's almost time to start. We should head out there ahead of time."

Max nodded in agreement. "Darius and Dantes are walking down the aisle together, so everyone else will be going ahead of them. JJ, you are the last to go before them, so you stay with Darius until it's time for them to walk, got it?"

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