Complicated Feelings Part Two

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Born to Endless Love Chapter Fifty-seven: Complicated Feelings part Two

Michael age: 19, JJ age: 17

Michael Pov- "I completely suck at this," Natalie sighed, setting the video game controller down in defeat.

It's been a week since her and her brother came to the institute and I have been training her on how to play video games every night. She still wasn't getting the hang of it but it sure was cute how she kept trying to win.

"No way, you are just getting the hang of it. You are already way better than JJ," I assured her.

If there was one thing JJ was bad at, it was video games.

He sat on the other side of Natalie and looked at me before shrugging, putting his controller down. "It's true."

Natalie laughed, smiling at JJ before looking at me. "There's no need to sugar code it. I'm terrible and it's plain to see." She turned back to JJ. "Glad to see I'm not on my own though."

"He's more of a reader," I informed her.

"Really? What kind of books do you like?"

JJ shrugged before getting on his feet. "A variety. Hard to choose just one." He turned to me saying, "I'm going to take a shower then go to bed. See you in the morning."

"Not going to read with Kalen before bed," I asked surprised. The two of them always read together before lunch and after dinner. Instead I begged him to come play video games with Natalie and I so I wouldn't say something stupid from being alone with her.

"The final book of the series we've been reading comes out tomorrow. We finished the rest of the books last week, so we are taking a small break so we will be able to binge read the last one."

"Knowing you, you'll read it twelve times in the time it takes Kalen to read through it once."

He shook his head no. "I'm not reading ahead. We are going to finish this one together."

That was completely shocking. JJ never holds back on reading, and this was one of his favorite series.

He and Kalen sure have a strange relationship going on.

"Good night," he said, walking out of the room. Natalie watched him go before turning to me.

"He's an interesting guy."

"Interesting isn't the first word most people think when it comes to him. Strange is usually the one used."

"I don't think he's strange at all. Maybe a little quiet and quirky, but there is nothing wrong with that."

I couldn't help but smile at that. Not only is she beautiful and smart, but she is also understanding. No one from Idris has ever warmed up to JJ that quickly. Even Darius and Dantes were put off by him at first when they first got here.

"Tell me more about you and Noah. What were your lives like in Idris?"

She shrugged, picking the controller backup for another round. I grabbed my own and pushed the start button.

"Like Noah said, our family is conservative. They don't really let us do more than study and train. Baybrook isn't a famous name, but our parents hope my brother and I can change that."

She looked down at her controller after once again losing to me. "I'm not sure how we are supposed to do that though when our family refuses to change themselves. Working with Downworlders, same sex marriage, any of that stuff. My family can't stand the very thought of it."

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