Unlikely Friends

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Max Age: 14, Alec Age: 34

Max Pov- I got ready to go to the institute with my father trying to figure out why father pretty much told me I was going instead of giving me a choice. He said today was going to be a special day for the institute and I should be there to see it. I asked for more details but he just told me to get ready and walked out. I just can't figure out what it could be.

"It's not anyone's birthday and it's not any Shadowhunter holidays. Raziel, I can't figure it out" I whined, never liking being in the dark. This was just cruelty on my father's part. Angel knows he hates being surprised but it's alright for him to spring things onto me all of a sudden.

My dad walked into the room smiling but it fell when he seen I was still in my Pajamas. "How come every time your father wants you to go somewhere I always walk in on you still in your pajamas?" I looked at him frowning "Dad do you know why father wants me to go to the institute with him?" His smiled returned showing that he did indeed know why I must go.

I pouted and batted my blue eyes at him going to use every trick in my book to make him talk. "What's the surprise daddy?" Dad laughed "calling me daddy won't get you anywhere. Hurry up and get dressed your father and you need to get going."

He walked out shutting the door behind him and I stared at that door shocked. Daddy didn't work? This is something serious if calling him daddy didn't work. This was going to be something they both know I would run from if I knew what it was.

"Calm down Max, you can do this. It's your father you're talking about here. He's the gentle caring one who never puts you in situations you can't handle. Just get dressed and leave."

I went into my walk in closet skimming through my options of the day. My fashion sense has... improved if that's really the word I want to use. I have always had my own sense of style but spending so much time with my dad kind of influenced me. I've started using the extension name Lightwood Bane, so why not add more of a Bane flare to everything I wear?

I changed into my favorite black skinny jeans, my favorite blue T-shirt with the words 'I'm Feeling Blue' written on it, and a nice black dress shirt unbuttoned and left open. I completed the look with my favorite gray sparkly boots (sadly my dad's love of glitter finally rubbed off on me), my favorite gray beanie, and I applied a light touch of black eyeliner so my blue eyes popped. Eyeliner is the only makeup I like as of late and it's the only thing father will let me wear. He thinks I'm too young for makeup which I kind of agree with.

I moved over to my full length mirror making sure I looked perfect before heading into the living room. Father looked at me scaling my outfit before a small smile appeared on his face "You look more and more like your dad every day." I rolled my eyes smiling "well you wouldn't tell me what to expect so I just dressed the way I wanted to." Dad smiled wrapping his arm across my shoulders and kissing my forehead "I think you look great blueberry."

I looked down "you don't think the shirt is a bit out of place for a Shadowhunter event?" Dad looked at my shirt smiling at the words "the play on words is nice." My 'I'm Feeling blue' shirt was a Christmas present from my uncle Simon as a pun on my blue skin. The joke was on him though because I absolutely adore this shirt and wear it whenever I can.

"You look great now let's head out. We have to catch the subway before it leaves the station." I crossed my arms "I want to know why you want me to go with you to the Institute." "Don't worry about it lets' just go" he said grabbing my arms and walking out of the flat with me.

We glamoured ourselves before walking to the subway station in silence. Once we were on the train we each took a seat and I looked at him "Why are you doing this to me? You don't let me keep secrets from you so why are you doing this?" Father shrugged looking ahead "maybe I think it's for your own good." I glared at him "well maybe I see an umbrella full of spiders in your future."

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