Trial of Water

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Born to Endless Love Chapter Fifty-one: Trial of Water

Max age: 25, Alec age: 45, Michael age: 16, JJ age: 13 going on 14

Max pov- "Why are we going to the institute all of a sudden? What's in the Jar? Is it magic related? It looks like water. Why are we taking a random jar of water to the institute?"

Both my parents sighed at my never ending questions, and dad looked back at me over his shoulder. "JJ turns fourteen this weekend. He and Michael want to perform the Parabatai ceremony that very day. Before that happens though they need to go throw a sort of test."

"What kind of test," I asked confused.

"Every set of Parabatai must go through a test called the Trial of Water," father answered. "This jar contains water for lake Lynn. You trick the soon to be parabatai into drinking the water, and it will cause them to hallucinate. They will mentally be put in situations where they have to prove the bond between them is strong enough to warrant becoming Parabatai."

"So you're going to lace kids drinks and make them have hallucinations? That's ridiculous."

Dad shrugged. "It's how things are done."

"Why would you need to test Michael and JJ of all people? They have the closest bond I have ever seen. Not counting father's bond with uncle Jace anyway. Do they really need to go through such a test?"

Father nodded, stopping in front of the institute entrance. "Even the strongest of bonds can be easily broken. Doubt and betrayal is a trait every living creature has. Becoming Parabatai doesn't mean you can never come to hate, envy, or betray one another. Just look at Luke and Valentine. All the professors that worked at the academy when they attended said that they would have never imagined Valentine was capable of hurting his Parabatai the way he did."

"That's Valentine though. Michael and JJ aren't anything like him."

Dad shook his head. "You're right, but that doesn't change the fact that every living creature is capable of making wrong choices. Doubt is a powerful thing."

"What happens if they end up doubting each other or failing the test?"

"Then unfortunately they are not fit to become Parabatai."

Wow, that would suck big time. Michael and JJ have been planning to be Parabatai since they were small children. Adults would always tell them that they were too young to know for sure if they wanted to be bonded in that way, but they always stood firm on the belief that they were meant to be Parabatai. How crushing would that be to suddenly be proven that those adults were right? That your bond isn't as strong as you think it is.

"Why did you bring me along," I asked, no longer wanting to think of such a possibility.

Dad shrugged walking into the building with father and I. "It helps to have a warlock around in case things go south. Figured this would be a great learning experience for you if you are ever called in the future to perform one of these tests."

We made our way to the library where my aunts and uncles were waiting with Michael and JJ. They were both sitting on the floor, looking over a book together. Jocey, Mary, and George were missing, so I assumed one of the others were distracting them somewhere else.

Both Michael and JJ looked calm and completely unaware of what was about to happen. Makes since I guess. This seems like the type of test you aren't allowed to study for. A sudden pop quiz. Only this 'pop quiz' is going to decide their entire future. It seems almost wrong to spring it on them out of nowhere.

"Glad everyone is here," father said, smiling. "Magnus just received some exclusive tea from a client and we figured we would share it with everyone."

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