The Art of Healing Part One

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Born to Endless Love Chapter Seventy-Two: The Art of Healing Part One

Max age: 29, Alec age: 49, Michael age: 20, and JJ age: 18

Max Pov

"Are you focusing?"

"I'm laying here completely still, with my eyes closed. Of course I am focusing."

"You don't seem to be focused," Hebi disagreed, making me open my eyes and glare at him.

"Well how do you expect me to focus when you're doing whatever the hell that is?" I exclaimed, sitting up to jab a finger in his direction.

His body was draped over a chaise couch, his Kinagashi robe loose around him. His two 'pets' as he likes to call them are on each side of him. One man is on the floor massaging his legs and feet while the other runs his fingers through Hebi's long white hair while also occasionally feeding him chocolate covered strawberries.

"Do not concern yourself with what I'm doing, son of Bane. You're the one interrupting my play time, I will not let you deprive me of being pampered as well."

I cringe, not wanting to know what the three of them do during 'play time.' "I could have gone my whole existence without knowing any of that."

"Still such a child," Hebi sighs, making me glare at him again. "Surely you have sex with your vampire."

I could feel my cheeks heating up at the statement. "Well yeah, but Andrew and I don't make a show of it."

"Perhaps you should. It really spices things up."

I shook my head at him. "Yeah, sorry but I won't be taking love advice from a man who refuses to be in a real relationship."

Hebi gave me a dead stare, like I'm an idiot. "I'm giving you sex advice. Why would I care about your 'relationship?'" He asked, putting air quotes around the word.

"Explain to me why we are friends again?" I sighed, standing on my feet.

"I have told you many times that we are not friends. I hold no such bonds with anyone."

That kind of life seems boring and uneventful, but I can't really blame him for feeling that way. He's centuries older than my dad and I'm sure he's seen his fair share of loved ones die. Maybe one day he just had enough of it and decided not to get close to anyone.

I would understand that mindset toward Mundanes, but Immortals too? He claims that everything and everyone is capable of dying, and it's true but if you have no one to live for, then what keeps you living at all?

"You're never going to properly heal your magic if you don't learn to block out everything and completely focus." Hebi scolded me, making me roll my eyes at this being the hundredth time hearing it. "That dark spell completely swallowed up your pure magic, leaving barely a sliver left. If you want to be able to master both Light and Dark magic, you need to cleanse as much of your magic as possible."

"I know, I know. It's harder than you think."

Hebi silently leered at me for a moment before sighing and waving off his men. "Leave us. I need to have a talk with the child."

I scowled at being called a child as the two men whined in disappointment. Hebi leaned over to stroke both of their faces.

"Do not fret my pets. Come back tonight and I will reward you for your patients."

They each kissed him before standing up and leaving without another word. I watched them go frowning before turning back to Hebi. "Do they ever get tired of you treating them like that?"

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