Adventure of The Pillow Fort

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Magnus Pov- My favorite nights are the ones where it's quiet and everything just seems to be in peace. This night in particular was a night of sitting on the couch with Alec reading under the dim light of an oil lamp. Alec didn't need to go patrolling tonight which meant he got to spend all his time with me and Max who was entertaining himself in his room.

"Do you think we should go check on him" Alec asked biting the bottom of his lip. Recently we had decided it would be best to take off Max's magic restrictions. Five was the time most Warlocks started getting used to having his powers. He needed to learn how to use them and he couldn't do that restricted.

"I think you worry too much Alexander. I'm surprised you don't have worry lines." Alec touched his face "I'm only twenty five, can you get worry lines at twenty five?" I smiled kissing him on the forehead "you don't have worry lines darling."

Alec wasn't one to care about outer beauty but I've noticed over the years that the older Alec got the more he seemed to care. I knew it was because he was getting older and I wasn't. I closed my book, putting it on the coffee table, before grabbing Alec's hands squeezing them tight "you don't need to worry darling. You are as beautiful as the day I met you and even when your hair turns white and you do end up with worry lines, cause let's face it your siblings make you worry way to much; you will still be the most gorgeous person I know."

Alec met my eyes before opening his mouth to speak. He didn't get a chance to talk though because Max came out of the room yelling excitedly "Daddy, father, come look at my fort." We both looked at him blinking. "Fort" Alec asked turning his head to the side confused.

Max bounced on the balls of his feet "I'm playing Shadowhunter and I made a fort out of pillows. Come look come look." He grabbed Alec's hand trying to pull him off the couch and Alec laughed standing up "fine we will see this amazing fort." I stood up shaking my head not able to fight a smile from spreading on my face. It was obvious that Max admired Alec but it was also adorable how he tries to be just like him.

He 'plays Shadowhunter' which is a fun game where Max pretends to be A Shadowhunter and he fights off evil. Half the time either Alec or I play the demon he must kill while the other dad is Max's Parabatai fighting alongside him. I always find it interesting when I'm playing the Parabatai. I'm a warlock not a Shadowhunter, even with the world and rules changing I still won't be able to be considered equal to them.

Max wasn't old enough to understand things like that though. He saw both his daddies the same, the people he loved above all else and knew they loved him. There was no equal and unequal in that boy's sweet little world.

We entered Max's room and like promised there was an interesting little fort on the floor made up of his pillow and blankets, Alec's and my bedding, and also some couch pillows. The fort was supported up by a long stick with one of Alec's sweaters tied to it to make it look like a flag. Max must have been using magic on his 'flag' because it was waving like it would in the wind. "How did you get our bedding without us noticing" Alec asked but it was obvious how.

When Alec and I get alone time we tend to get lost in each other. Max uses those moments to get into trouble or do secret stuff. I could just imagine little Max carrying our huge comforter out of our room and maybe falling over in the proses making him get tangled in the blanket. It wouldn't be the first time it happened.

Alec looked at the flag and sighed under his breath "That's my favorite sweater." I got a closer look at it and couldn't help but smile. It may have been Alec's favorite sweater but it was one that I absolutely hated. It was frayed, stained, and had so many holes it was practically revealing every part of Alec's body.

"I think it's in a better place now" I said patting Alec's shoulder and walking more into the room. Max's room had changed over the years. His once sky with clouds walls were now covered in runes made out of paint. He was obsessed with Shadowhunters the way some boys were obsessed with Batman. Alec was Max's Batman and it made Alec beam with pride, though he won't admit it.

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