Is it Love Part One- Max's First Date

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Max Age: 16, Alec Age: 36

Max Pov- I held up two different shirts wondering which one I should wear. I have been sitting in my room for the last four hours trying to pick out the best outfit to wear for my first date. We were going to a nice restaurant but it wasn't too nice so some nice jeans and a button up shirt should be fine right? Maybe I should wear dressy pants.

My bedroom door opened and my dad walked in not even looking surprised "of course you're still picking out your clothes." I looked at dad frowning "dad I don't know what I should wear. What did you usually wear on dates?" "Nothing you would usually wear blueberry" he said looking at my options.

I sighed sitting on my bed "I'm so hopeless. I can't even figure out what to wear. How am I going to survive my first date?" Dad smiled grabbing a black button up shirt "come on Max you are putting too much pressure on yourself. Crystal is going on this date with you because she likes you so just be yourself."

I looked at him thinking. "Dad what do you think about me dating Crystal? I know you've never been her biggest fan." He shrugged not really giving me an answer "I think you should wear this black shirt with your nice jeans. It seems appropriate for where you're going."

I nodded taking the shirt "you never really answered me, dad." He looked at the time "oh look at that, Crystal will be here any minute so you should get changed quickly and put on a glamour." He walked out closing the door behind him and I watched him go confused. Was he avoiding my question?

I shrugged it off and got dressed in what my dad chose out for me. When I first told him and father that I was going out with crystal they both had a fit. Dad asked me what made me want to go out with her and I told him I didn't know how to describe it. Father said that since it's my first crush they will try to be polite.

I looked over my outfit in my full length mirror smiling before grabbing my favorite gray beanie putting it on my head. I was nervous and wearing the beanie made me feel better. The door buzzer sounded and I took some deep breaths before going to the living room. Crystal was standing in the living room looking just as beautiful as she did at the party.

She was wearing a pretty light pink dress with that was a little above her knee and she had parts of her hair braided and tied up in ribbon. The rest of her hair was left down slightly curled and hanging over her shoulders. "You look beautiful" I said smiling. She smiled back at me "you look pretty good yourself."

"Make sure you both be careful on your way to the restaurant okay" father said looking at us both. Crystal glanced at him not saying anything. She looked slightly uncomfortable "sure..." I looked at the time "we should go or we'll be late for our reservation." Father handed me money to pay for dinner and I thanked him before leaving with Crystal.

We made our way to the subway station and Crystal grabbed my hand smiling. The feeling of her hand in mine was nice and I entwined our fingers. "So Max, you said you were still homeschooled right?" I nodded "that's right."

She laid her head on my shoulder "you should stop being homeschooled and go to actual school. All your friends are there and we would be able to see each other all day. My father is the principal so I can even make it so we have the same schedule." I thought about that "I have always wanted to go to actual school. I guess if I went there I would be able to get to know Ebony better."

She looked up at me wrinkling her nose "why would you want to get to know her?" I shrugged "I like her, she's very interesting. She may wear a lot of black and talks about strange things but she's a mystery. I like mysteries."

Crystal shook her head looking forward "it's a good thing you know me Max. I can save you from making horrible choices like befriending Ebony Carter. Being friends with her would be social suicide." I frowned looking at her "she seemed cool to me."

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