We Meet Again

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Max age: 19, Alec age: 39

Max Pov- I laid in my bed staring up at the ceiling wondering what I should do with my time now that everyone around me was so busy. Penelope and Quinton both had classes at NYU, while Darius and Dantes have been out of New York visiting other institutes like every Shadowhunter over the age of eighteen was required to do. The demon attacks that seemed to keep my father swamped have slowed down but now his work with Aunt Maia and Lily has grown overwhelming.

Even my dad was getting drowned in requests for the High Warlock of Brooklyn. I try to help him as much as I can with the clients but most of the them say 'I asked for the High Warlock of Brooklyn, not his little inexperienced brat'. After about thirty people telling me that, I gave up and let my dad handle them on his own.

So now here I was laying on my bed and using my magic to make my own mini planetarium appear on my ceiling. It was one of my go to things to do when I was bored out of my mind. It's my fault though for not having more than four friends. Now that I think about it, it's pretty sad that in my nineteen years I've only managed to make four friends.

"Don't be so hard on yourself Max" I told myself out loud. "You've made some other friends in your time. You had Crystal and Amanda... though they actually hate your guts. You know what, let's forget we ever knew Crystal and Amanda."

I rolled onto my stomach thinking some more "you tried to make friends with Gabriel and Joseph but their homophobic idiocy isn't really worth your time. Then there was Ebony, you pretty much clicked right away with her." I frowned at the thought of Ebony. It's been almost half a year since we broke up and it still stung a little bit to think about her. I really think I was in love with her.

"So there's five people I tried to be friends with. Four of them hate me and one of them couldn't bring herself to be with me. So far my social skills are amazing" I told myself sarcastically, plopping my face into my pillow.

I'm completely hopeless when it comes to meeting people. I thought I was content with having the friends I already have so I didn't think I needed anymore. Apparently I need to make some immortal friends but what immortal being would want to spend time with me?

I sighed digging my face deeper into my pillow closing my eyes "Andrew seemed to like me." My eyes opened and I sat up remembering the fun, quirky, vampire who openly flirted with me two years ago. Has it really been two years since that night Quinton and I went to Pandemonium? 'We're both Immortal, I'll live forever so I'll wait for you for as long as it takes.' He said that but he couldn't have really meant it could he?

He said 'As long as it takes' but surely two years is two years too late. He must have felt rejected and never wants to see me again. He made it obvious that he wanted to get to know me but I pretty much left him in the cold. There's no way he still likes me.

I shook my head sighing "What's the matter with you Max? That was just one night; there's no way he liked you enough to wait this long. He doesn't even know you and you know absolutely nothing about him."

There was a knock on my door causing me to sit up in surprise. "um, come in." My father opened the door looking at me "Hey, are you busy?" "Does it look like I'm busy" I asked getting out of bed.

"No you don't. You look like a bum who's doing nothing with his time." "Well aren't you perceptive" I said sarcastically. "Oh you are giving me sass? Here I thought I would bring you with me to help out with Aunt Maia."

I gasped excitedly "really?! You really want me to help you with Downworlder work?" "I was thinking about it but now I'm not so sure. I don't appreciate sassy children coming along."

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