Downworlders Take the Night!

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Max age: 17, Alec age: 37

Max Pov- "Explain to me again why I'm being shoved out of my house" I asked watching as my dad threw my overnight bag at my feet. "Because tonight's a special night for your father and I so I need you to be out of the house." I frowned not able to remember what he was talking about. "It's not yours or father's birthday."

He shook his head checking over all his preparations. "Today is your fathers' and my wedding anniversary so I'm planning this romantic night for us. You'll be staying at Quinton's tonight." I leaned on the wall watching dad as he double checked everything even though he just got finished checking it. "Oh that's right. What has it been, ten years?"

"Twelve but who's counting" he said happily. I shook my head smiling at him thinking 'you apparently'. Dad grabbed my bag again and this time shoved it into my arms before grabbing me by the shoulders and shoving me to the door. "Your father will be here any moment so I want you gone."

I looked back at him once I was in the hallway. "you know; this isn't really a great way to treat your son." He blew me a kiss, happily saying he loves me before slamming the door shut in my face. I shook my head throwing my bag strap over my shoulder and heading down the stairs. It shouldn't be surprising that I was being kicked out like this. Every chance dad gets to be alone with father he will take it.

I walked out of the apartment heading to Quinton's house lost in thought. Has it really been twelve years since my parents got married? I was five when it happened and I barely remember any of it. The only memories I really had of the day is how happy everyone was. I was with father while he got ready and I remember him not being able to stop smiling. Aunt Isabelle was all over him making sure everything was perfect and uncle Jace was by his side saying encouraging words since he was already married to aunt Clary and knew what it was like to get married.

I was the ring bearer for the wedding which I remember not liking wearing my tux. It choked me and was very uncomfortable. Anyway, when I walked down the aisle to bring the rings I looked up at my dad seeing him smiling sweetly at me. Once his eyes went on father though there was a huge grin on his face and his eyes lit up in pure happiness.

My parents are always saying they have two favorite days of their lives. The day they got married and the day they got me. They also said that their third favorite day was the day they met which sounded sappy to me but knowing them, I didn't doubt it was true. My parents may be old but they never stop acting like love sick teenagers.

I stopped in front of Quinton's house knocking on the door and after a short wait his mother answered. She smiled at me opening the door more and moving out of the way to let me in. "Hello Max, it's been a long time since you've come over." I nodded walking in smiling at her "yeah it has. It's great to see you again Mrs. Zora."

"Quinton's in his room if you want to head up there. Would you like me to bring you up anything to drink or snacks?" I shook my head "no thank you." She nodded and I watched her go into the living room before heading up the stairs to Quinton's room.

Quinton had a really nice family. His mom was a middle school teacher so she was used to being around young kids. Whenever I imagined a good mom she was everything Mrs. Zora is. Sweet, smart, loving. Quinton was lucky to have her. His father was a little stricter since he was in the military but that didn't mean he was a jerk. He loved order and rules but he also was super nice and had an amazing sense of humor. He and my father get along a lot and I can't help but wonder if it's because they are both soldiers.

Quinton's dad doesn't know that my father is a soldier though because they don't know about the Shadow world. Quinton may be a werewolf but his parents never found out about it thanks to aunt Maia's training. When he had mood swings they just assumed it was part of being a growing teenager.

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