The Weight of a Grudge

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Born to Endless Love Chapter seventy-four: The Weight of a Grudge

Max age: 29, Alec age: 49, Michael age: 20, JJ age: 18

Michael Pov- "To the left! The left JJ! No, your other left," I groaned, watching as the video game car on the screen went crashing into a wall.

JJ was controlling the analog stick on the right side of the gaming controller while I smashed the buttons on the left to try to control the breaks.

JJ scrunched his nose in distaste, letting go of the controller. "I'm sorry Michael, but I don't really like playing video games. Especially using only one side of the controller."

"You just have to get the hang of it. We will figure it out before you know it," I assured him.

"It's a lost cause man," Travis called over his shoulder from the other side of the room. He and Maria were playing cards with Natalie and Valeria.

"Mind your own business," I grumbled, tossing the controller onto the coffee table. All I wanted was to be able to play video games again, was that so much to ask for?

"I'm sure they make controllers for disabled people right?" Natalie asked. "If not, I'm sure Magnus Bane could make you one."

"Magnus can only create things with magic that already exists. It would have to be already made," JJ pointed out.

"I think I saw a Youtube video about disabled friendly controllers once," Maria chimed in, making me roll my eyes. There's no way she would just stumble across that. She purposely looked it up herself. "They have controllers that have special buttons on the side so you can use it one handed, and even have joysticks that can be moved with your chin or face."

"Can we just drop this please," I sighed, slouching into the couch cushions. Having everyone talk so bluntly about how incapable I am only makes me feel worse.

Travis took mercy on me, deciding to turn the conversation over to JJ. "Only one more week until Kalen comes back from Idris. It's weird seeing you so aware about him being gone. You usually never notice."

JJ frowned, looking away and Maria elbowed Travis in the side. "What my insensitive boyfriend meant to say was it's good that you have something to be excited about. I'm sure Kalen is just as anxious to get back to you. Especially since he can finally kiss you when he gets back."

JJ blushed and hid his face in his hands, making everyone laugh. I shook my head at him, standing up. "Hey, if you're going to have a boyfriend, you're going to have to deal with the teasing. It comes with the territory."

"I wonder if Kalen told his mom about you," Maria thought out loud, making everyone turn to look at her. JJ frowned at that. "Why wouldn't he?"

Travis glared at Maria before sighing, running his hand across the back of his neck. "Well... it's complicated."

"Does she not know he's gay or something?" I asked. They both shook their heads no. "It's not that. The truth is... Kalen's mom doesn't like JJ."

JJ's entire body tensed up, but his face was devastated, like he had just seen a church of children get bombed, or something equally as horrible. "What do you mean she doesn't like me? I've never met her."

Maria sighed, setting down the playing cards in her hands. "JJ, you can't take it personally. That's just how the older generation are. Most of them don't like you."

That just seemed to devastate him even more. "I don't understand. I never did anything."

"You must have heard the whispers growing up," Travis reasoned. "People used to always say you were secretly evil and going to finish Sebastian Morgenstern's Dark war. That opinion of you never really changed."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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