A wedding to Remember Part Two

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Born To Endless Love: Chapter Thirty-Seven: A Wedding to Remember Part Two

Max age: 21, Alec age: 41

Max Pov- I paced back and forth at the wedding hall, waiting for Andrew to appear. Dad said he had a portal scheduled for noon to bring him here for the wedding. I have to make sure i’m the first person who speaks to him, so I can explain the whole engagement thing.

What am I going to do if he doesn’t go along with it? I mean, this is Andrew we are talking about. It was his idea in the first place to have him as my date to make Ebony jealous. Then again, making her jealous and pretending to be getting married are two very different things.

Sighing, I looked at my cell phone, seeing it was eleven thirty. “I can’t wait anymore,” I groaned before holding my hand toward the wall, making a portal of my own to New York. There was no way I could wait for him to get here and risk someone overhearing us. This conversation needed to happen before we get to the wedding.

Taking a deep breath, I went through the portal and came out standing inside the main entrance of the Hotel Dumort on the other side. Andrew lived here with the other vampires, and since it was still the middle of the day, they should be sleeping. It would have been easier to make a portal straight to his room but I’ve never seen it before. We can only Portal to places we’ve seen already. The front entrance was as far as my father would ever let me go when he took me with him to meet with Lily.

“Maybe I should call him,” I mumbled to myself, pulling my cell phone out again as I climbed the stairs.

“Who are you looking for little warlock,” a voice came asked out of nowhere, making me yelp in surprise and almost drop my phone. I caught it before it could hit the floor and be smashed. Lily Chen was standing at the top of the stairs, smirking at me with her arms crossed over her chest.

“Aunt Lily… you must be wondering why I’m here.”

“You’re looking for someone it seems. Is it Andrew? He’s in his room packing to go to your friends wedding. All I have been hearing is how excited he is to be seeing Jamaica with you. Speaking of which, aren’t you supposed to be there. He told me he was meeting you there.”

A warm fuzzy feeling filled my chest at the words she used. She said ‘he’s looking forward to seeing Jamaica with you’. Not ‘he’s looking forward to seeing Jamaica.’ He wants to see Jamaica… with me.

I glanced away, feeling my cheeks heat up. “Yeah well I have something I want to talk to him about so I decided to come pick him up instead. What kind of wedding date would I be if I didn’t come get him personally?”

“Not a very good one. Come on, I’ll lead you to his room,” she said walking down the hall. I followed her, looking around at the paintings on the walls.

“Shouldn’t you be asleep at this time of day Aunt Lily?”

“How many times do I have to tell you not to call me ‘aunt’? That stuff may fly with Maia, but it doesn’t with me. It makes me sound like an old lady. Just call me Lily.”

“You are pretty old though,” I mumbled under my breath, making her stop in her tracks. I ran into her back before taking a few steps away from her. She looked over her shoulder at me, her eyes crimson red.

“What did you say to me?”

“I said you are the most beautiful vampire I have ever seen and you definitely aren’t a day over twenty three.”

“That’s what I thought you said,” she grumbled before leading me the rest of the way to Andrew’s room. I took a sigh of relief, needing to remember not to cross Aunt Lily like that again.

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