Complicated Feelings Part One

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Born to Endless Love Chapter Fifty-six- Complicated Feelings Part One

Max age: 28, Alec age: 48

Magnus pov- "She has strong magic for such a small child. It might get hard for her to control it at some point," I observed, looking over Darius's and Dantes's daughter Giselle for her monthly check up. She seemed nervous about having me poke and prod her, but it was all to assure her health.

"Is there anything we can do to help her when her powers get too much," Dantes asked, frowning down at her. I shrugged and swiped my hand, making a jeweled pendant appear.

"I used this to keep Max's magic in check for a while after he burned you, Darius. Giselle won't be able to take it off until she is fully ready to embrace her magic. Whoever puts it on her however, can take it off at any time."

Darius took the pendent from me, looking it over in his hand before looking at me again. "Is there a pendant that can amplify magic?"

The question caused me to frown. "Technically yes, but there is only one in the world and it is a special case."

"How so?"

What was I supposed to answer with? I've never told Max or any of the others about the anniversary gift Alexander gave me. They just thought it was a fashion statement, but it was so much more than that. Alec had put a portion of his soul into the pendant he gave me, so that when he is gone, I can still draw strength from him.

If another warlock got their hands on something so strong, it could lead to chaos. Especially if it was used while Alec is still living.

If Alec is dead and the pendant is used, once all of Alec's soul essence is gone, that's it. That's all the power you can gain from him. However, if the pendant was used while Alec was still alive, it would just keep sucking his life force until there was nothing left.

It would slowly kill Alexander.

"Why do you want to know about it," I asked, meeting his eyes.

He glanced away for a moment before looking back at me. "Well Max... never mind. It's not important."

That made me frown. "What about Max?"

He shook his head and picked up Giselle, who wrapped her arms around his neck and cuddled close.

"It's nothing. I was just going to mention that Max has been training really hard. I think he's trying to make you proud."

I smiled at that. "I'm proud of him no matter what he does. He doesn't have to prove anything to me or his father."

"Yeah well, you know how Max can be. Always thinking he needs to live up to the names he was given."

He was right about that. Max has been pushing himself a lot lately. Training in secret and not letting me know what he's been up to. All he said was that it was a surprise.

That can either be a good thing or a bad thing. Alec told me to just believe in him.


With everything going on with him, I have barely been able to give a second thought to Max, as horrible as that sounds. Alec has been getting weaker by the day. It started with a few migraines but now it's escalated to vomiting.

He tried to hide it from me. He thought I wasn't home when I found him in our master bathroom hunched over and throwing up in the toilet. Even with all of that, he still won't admit that something is wrong with him.

He's tired, sick, and still getting the migraines.

A part of me wonders if things are taking a turn for the worst.

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