Revenge at the Shadow Market

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Born To Endless Love Chapter 42: Revenge at the Shadow Market

Max age: 22, Alec age: 42

Max Pov

"You fool! You activated my trap card! Now your attack has been reflected back at you," I called out, laughing maniacally. Gabe cursed under his breath, throwing his cards down in frustration.

"Damn it, I almost had you that time. We're going again! I'll definitely beat you this time!"

I smirked at that, taking the fifty bucks we bet off the table, and counting it. "I don't know. This is a high level game. Only the strongest of souls can play it properly. At least, that's what the warlock at the shadow market told me."

"I don't give a shit how magical this stupid game is. There is no way I will lose to you at anything."

"You've already lost five times," I teased, making him kick the leg of the table.

It was strange spending time with Gabe of all people. The rest of our friends were supposed to come, but of course life gets in the way. Quinton is the leader of the New York wolf pack now, so he was trying to help the other wolves adjust. Penelope developed food poisoning or something because she has been throwing up all morning. She could barely hold it in to tell me she couldn't make it.

Darius and Dantes were out patrolling, and weren't able to get out of it. Gabe won't be registered with the institute until next month, so he wasn't able to go with them.

I begrudgingly invited him to hang out, and of course, he flat out denied me at first. Saying things like 'I tolerate you with everyone else, that doesn't mean I want to spend time alone with you.' The feeling was mutual. Gabe and I seem to have a rival/frenemies thing going on. It took me baiting him into a competition for him to finally accept.

The whole night isn't ruined though. Andrew is supposed to come over, and he even mentioned bringing a friend. His name was Lucas, someone Andrew talks about a lot. The first time he mentioned him was the night Andrew came over while I was babysitting Michael and JJ, and we watched Star Wars. I remember feeling jealous back then and the feeling hasn't lessened.

Sure, Andrew is dating me. That should give me all the confidence in the world. Even so, just the mention of Lucas makes hot jealousy envelope me. That being said, I came to the conclusion that there was no way I could be alone with this guy.

Inviting Gabe was for selfish reasons, but it was turning out to actually be fun. Wiping the floor with him playing card games was easier than I expected.

"What are you two playing," Father asked, walking into the living room. Uncle Simon was with him since they were partnering up to do some under the table Downworlder jobs that the clave can't know about.

I held up the cards smiling. "I got this cool game from the Shadow Market last week. The warlock there told me that it's an ancient game that conceals real life magic. We haven't seen anything magical happen yet. Still, the guy said this game is almost as old as human life itself."

Uncle Simon took one of the cards from me, looking it over before smiling slightly.

"I'm a little afraid to ask, but how much did you pay for this game?"

"I sold the purple gem dad got me for my birthday. The warlock said that something of equal value had to be traded."

Father frowned at that, putting his hands on his hips. "Your dad got that gem in Peru, back in his pirating days. It was inside a thousand year old tomb that was possessed by an evil ghost. How could it possibly be on par with a children's card game?"

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