A Storm Approaching

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Born to Endless Love Chapter Fifty-eight: A Storm Approaching

Max age: 28, Alec age: 48, Michael age: 19, JJ age: 17

Magnus Pov- "Why did you call us here, Magnus," Tessa asked, sitting on a couch in my office with Catarina and Ragnor sitting on either side of her.

"It better be good if I'm coming out of hiding like this," Ragnor sighed, leaning back in the chair grumpily. I frowned, my eyes slowly trailing over them before looking away. I made my way to the window and looked outside, spotting some kids playing hopscotch on the sidewalk.

"Something isn't right."

"What do you mean," Catarina questioned.

I turned back to look at them. "Don't you feel it? The dread in the air? As if the world is at a standstill, preparing for a massive storm on its way?"

Catarina shook her head. "This has been really peaceful since the Dark War. Even the mundane world seems to be finding some peace from fighting. Maybe you are just overthinking things?"

Ragnor shook his head. "I hate to say it, but normally when Magnus has a feeling about something, it's usually wise to listen to him. He is the one who saw the Dark War coming after all. He and Clarissa both."

"I feel something else coming," I assured. "It's going to be big, and I think whatever it is, has to do with what's happening to Alexander."

My friends all looked at each other before Tessa stood up and walked up to me. She gently grabbed my hand before looking deep into my eyes.

"Magnus... don't you think something else is going on here?"

"What do you mean?" I asked, frowning.

She looked down at my hand before looking back up at me sadly. "I... I know how hard it is to lose the one you love. It happened for me with William and Jem both. It hurts and feels unfair. All you want to do is find a way to stop it, and you're willing to convince yourself there's a way to try."

"What are you implying," I asked, narrowing my eyes.

"Magnus, do you think you are trying to convince yourself that danger is coming, because you don't want to face the fact that Alec is dying?"

"Alexander is not dying!" I snapped, pulling my hand out of her grasp.

Catarina was the next to stand up. "Magnus, he is getting weaker every day. None of your research is helping you stop it. Whatever is happening to Alec is taking effect fast. If it keeps going, I don't know how much longer he will have left."

"Shut up! I don't want to hear any of that! I called you here because there is danger coming! This has nothing to do with Alexander because he will be fine. I am going to find a cure for whatever's wrong with him, and he will get better!"

"But what if he doesn't?!" Tessa snapped. "What will you do then?"

I gritted my teeth, trying not to lash out at her. She was just trying to help, but her words are far from helpful because she's wrong. Alec isn't going to die. I won't let it happen.

We still have so much time left. There is no way I would let it end this soon. He promised me an entire lifetime.

"Magnus is right," Ragnor spoke up suddenly, making us all look at him in surprise.

"About what," Catarina asked.

Ragnor frowned and glanced away while drumming his fingers on the arm of the couch. "The fact that he feels it means things are getting worse than I thought."

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