Happy Birthday JJ!

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Max age: 17, Alec age: 37

JJ Pov- "How about music? You're learning violin right? How about a music themed party" Uncle Magnus asked; swiping his hand and making all kinds of instruments appear. Violin's, mini pianos, even a harp was floating in the air playing all by themselves. I looked around at all the instruments before just shrugging my shoulders.

Uncle Magnus's face fell for the tenth time today before snapping his fingers making the instruments vanish. "Okay you're right. Music themed parties are so out of style. You like animals right? What about a petting zoo?"

"I don't think Aunt Clary will appreciate having a zoo in the institute" Michael said standing next to me. Uncle Magnus recruited him to try to help plan my birthday party. I'm turning seven, tomorrow and for some reason everyone was making a big deal about it. It's not like it's an important number or anything.

Michael was the one turning ten, next year. His birthday was the important one since he would be getting his first rune. Ten was special, so why were they making such a big deal out of seven?

Uncle Magnus glared at Michael "You're supposed to be helping me here kid. You're his best friend and future Parabatai. Surely you would know what makes him happy." Michael shrugged "JJ is a very simple person. I'm sure whatever you do he will love it. Right JJ" he asked looking at me.

I nodded before looking back up at uncle Magnus "why are you throwing me a party?" "Because your mother and I want to celebrate the best day of our lives" Daddy said walking into the room with Uncle Simon.

I looked back at him confused "what day would that be?" He got down to my level smiling, putting his hand on my head and messing up my hair. "The day you were born silly. We're celebrating seven amazing years with our perfect little boy."

I just stared at him never knowing what to say to him when he said things like that. He and mama are always calling me perfect but I'm far from it. They think I'm perfect but all the other Shadowhunters would strongly disagree.

Mommy, Daddy and Michael think I don't hear about the things people say about me. If I do hear it, they think I'm not old enough to understand. I do understand though. I understand that I don't act the way a Herondale is supposed to act.

Herondale's are supposed to be charming, smart, and sarcastic. I'm far from charming, I'm very smart for my age but don't like to show it off, and I just learned the word sarcastic last week. I'm definitely not that.

"Jace your child is being difficult. Why can't he just come out and tell me what he wants? You have no trouble telling me what to do so I would think your spawn would be the same." Daddy stood up looking at uncle Magnus before glancing back at me. "JJ isn't really like me. He's... his own unique character."

Mama and daddy always said that when people asked why I was so quiet. 'He's his own unique character.' Uncle Max tells me that they're just saying that I'm special. I just think it means that they don't know what to think of me.

Is daddy disappointed that I'm not like him? Was he hoping for a son that would grow up to be as amazing as him? What about mama? Did she want a son who could do art like her? I can do a bit of finger painting but that's really it.

In my family I feel like I'm the odd one out. My cousin Max would disagree with that I know but it's just how I feel. I'm the weird kid who see's ghosts and talks to demons. I'm the kid who doesn't say much and doesn't really have an opinion. The worst one though is the one I seem to hear the most. 'watch out' they say 'That boy's going to be the next Sebastian Morgenstern.'

The older Shadowhunters all think that I'm some demon child out to destroy the whole shadow world. Daddy says that there isn't an ounce of evil in me. Because of his and mamas angel blood my blood in incredibly pure. He says I wouldn't be able to be evil even if I wanted to.

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