Young Love in the Moonlight

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Max Age: 11, Alec Age: 31

Max Pov- I stood outside of Penelope's middle school looking around at all the kids coming out and laughing with their friends. It was days like these that make me wonder what it would be like to go to school. Dad teaches me everything I need to know wither it be Mundane history or mathematics so there's no reason for me to go. Even so it would be nice to spend the day with Penelope and other kids my age.

I was here now waiting for Penelope like I did every Friday. Friday was 'Max and Penny's Super Night of Fun.' She's of course the one who named it that not me. I loved our Friday nights but I hated waiting for her to get out of school since she always takes forever.

"Quinton please wait" I heard Penelope's voice coming from the school doors. I looked up from the side walk watching a boy with dark brown hair and tan skin walk out. Penny walked out after him grabbing his arm to stop him. "Quinton please, talk to me. You've been acting so strange lately. Tell me what's wrong."

He pulled away from her grasp before glaring back at her "leave me alone Penelope. It's none of your business" he yelled before dashing off. Penny stared after him frowning and I ran up to her. "What was that all about?"

She sighed running her hand through her hair looking defeated. "That's my friend Quinton. He's usually super sweet but lately he's been snapping and a little cranky. I asked him what his problem is but he won't tell me."

I looked in the direction he went before looking at her "maybe it's a family issue." She shrugged starting to walk "he said it's not my business so I'll stay out of it." I raised an eyebrow at that "you never stay out of anyone's problems." She looked at me as if I insulted her but she couldn't deny it was true.

She frowned looking ahead as we walked to my apartment. "I just want to know what is going on with him. How could someone change so much in such a short amount of time?" I grabbed her hand squeezing it "some people just do."

She glanced at me before looking ahead again thinking. A lightbulb went on in my head and I stopped in my tracks holding her hand tight enough to stop her too. "Wait, can it be you have a crush on this boy?" Her face got super red before she turned and punched me in the arm with her free fist. "Why would I have a crush on such a stubborn boy?"

I smiled "by the angel you do have a crush on him. I can't believe you actually have a crush on someone." She put her hand over my mouth to shut me up. "Can you be any louder? If someone hears you It'll ruin my street cred."

I rolled my eyes pulling her hand away from my face "you have no street cred darling." She crossed her arms. "What if I do like him? Is that a crime to like a boy?"

I shook my head no smiling "my little penny is growing up." She huffed before turning and starting to walk again. "Says the boy who has never had a crush on anyone." I followed her again taking her book bag from her so I could carry it.

"I have all the time in the world to develop crushes and fall in love. My dad has had many loves but none of them compare to my father. How do I even know if the love of my life is even born yet?" She shook her head "It's still weird for me to think that you'll still be alive in a thousand years or so."

I shrugged frowning "I feel bad because I'm excited about all the adventures I'll have someday but at the same time I'll lose everyone I love. My father, my aunts and uncles, you." She frowned and grabbed my hand again squeezing it. "I wish we could be friends forever."

I looked at her frowning "we will be friends forever Penny. I'll never forget you even in a thousand years." She shrugged "you can't guarantee that." I watched her frowning before turning the subject back to Quinton. "I think you should tell him how you feel."

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