52. First Time

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Kamiko woke up to the ground shaking, but it was shaking in a strangely steady rhythm... This feels weird... She thought as her eyelids slowly opened. Huh? She blinked groggily as she registered her location. I'm outside... Kamiko then noticed something was off, and her brain finally clicked. "Katsuki?" she muttered as she lifted her head from his shoulder.

"You're awake?" Bakugou stopped. He turned his head too look at her. His red eyes met her sleepy silver orbs. Cute, he couldn't help but think.

Kamiko looked around in confusion. "Is this... Are we going to your place?" She asked.

"That was the plan today remember?" Bakugou reminded. "Since you're awake, get down."

"Okay," Kamiko nodded as she dropped her legs to the ground. Bakugou's eyes widened. She's awfully obedient when she's sleepy. Because he was carrying her on his back earlier, he was holding her backpack in his hands, so he slid the backpack on his own back.

"Come on sleepy shit," Bakugou grabbed her hand. "Let's go."

Kamiko rubbed the sleep out of her eyes as she let Bakugou drag her down the street. The sky was already a mix of gold and red. The clouds were painted pink and purple. She looked down at their intertwined hands, and then at Bakugou, who walked facing forward. Does he treat other women like this too? With such gentleness... Her jaws clenched as she thought of the newly debuted heroine from this afternoon. Perhaps she isn't the only one he's been this intimate with.

Soon they reached Bakugou's apartment. Bakugou closed the door behind him and Kamiko. "I'm gonna make some spicy noodles for dinner. You can go run the bath for later-"

"Katsuki?" Kamiko suddenly cut him off. Bakugou's brows perked a little as he turned his head towards her.

"Something wr-" Before he could ask her what's up, Bakugou was pushed onto the closed door. His eyes widened as he stared at the woman before him. Her eyes were closed and her lips were pressed against him. Her arms caged him between the door and herself. What is she- Bakugou's face turned beet red as he tried to process the situation. He froze in place as he felt her boobs pressing against his chest. She sucked on his lower lip, a soft whimper escaping her lips as she begged for entrance.

Why isn't he kissing back? Kamiko's eyes slowly opened as she pulled apart. Maybe it's true. Maybe.... I really am just a play thing to him... Bakugou nearly gasped when he saw the droplets of tears in the corner of her eyes. Finally snapping out of his confusion. He snatched her by the waist and crashed his lips onto hers. He held one hand at the back of her neck, preventing her from pulling back. "Mm!" Kamiko cried against him as he shoved his tongue deep in her mouth.

Bakugou's hand on her waist slowly slid downward, grabbing her by the ass and giving it a tight squeeze before lifting her thigh up from behind. Heat coursed through his entire body, and he could feel his lower region throbbing as Katsuki junior began to wake up. Kamiko whimpered as she tried to push Bakugou away and get some air. He loosened his grip on her neck, allowing her to pull back. Kamiko gasped first thing when her lips detached from his. "What's wrong? You're the one who started this," Bakugou smirked as he flipped her around so she was the one pinned against the door. "Now you better be careful playing these games with me woman, because I can't promise I'm capable of holding back."

Kamiko's face was a deep crimson from the kiss earlier, her eyes half lidded as she gazed at his swollen lips, then trailed up until she met his ruby orbs. "Then don't," she whispered as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

Shock crossed Bakugou's face. "What?"

"I said don't hold back."

In an instant Bakugou's lips are on hers again. Like a blazing Sahara desert inside him, the only thing that could quench his thirst was her touch. Kamiko's fingers laced through his soft yet spiky hair. His hand slid under her shirt grabbing her right breast, giving it a hard squeeze as he lifted her left leg up against him. His thighs rubbed against her already moist nether region. Fuck, he's rubbing my-... Feels so good.... Kamiko struggled to catch her breath as her tongue tangled with Bakugou's.

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