54. Unexpected Guest

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Kamiko sat in her office in the agency. It was the last week of summer break, and she was not at all excited to go back to school. She was able to get ahead on her manga during break, but not as much as she would have liked, mainly due to a certain blonde. Gosh, it still seems surreal, she thought as she touched her lips. 

"Good afternoon!" she heard Clearvo shout from the lobby down stairs. Kamiko walked out of her office and leaned over the railing at the lobby below. 

"Clearvo what are you doing here? Don't you have a day off?" Kamiko asked. 

"Huh? Yeah, but I've got nothing to do, so I came to train," Clearvo smiled at Kamiko. Train... Kamiko almost forgot that the agency had a massive training facility. Right now the heroes were out, and her mind was too messed up to focus on her manga, so she followed Clearvo into their gym with all the weight training machines. 

"So um... Tenmoku-kun..." Kamiko muttered. Clearvo nearly choked on his spit when he heard his surname come out of the silver haired woman. She has never called him by his name before, and it caught him by surprise.

"Um, Senri is fine, Senpai," he replied awkwardly. 

Kamiko nodded, a blush forming on her cheeks. "Um, Senri-kun, do you guys normally come here during breaks? Shouldn't you use this time to get some rest?" she asked. Clearvo could immediately tell where she was going with this.

He started hopping in place as a warm up. As he was hopping, he said, "Well us heroes and sidekicks normally don't get off days, and even when we do, we're kinda expected to spend those days conditioning our body. Some heroes use off days as rest days, but in the Bakugou hero agency, we're technically expected to come in and do some muscle training."

"Even Bakugou?"

"The boss used to come religiously on his off days, but well, he hasn't done that in a while since...you know,"Clearvo said as he started to do hip rotations. Kamiko leaned on the triceps machine and let out a soft hum in response.

So he hasn't been able to get a lot of training in because of me... Her eyes trailed down guiltily. Clearvo pulled his leg back to get a stretch in his hamstrings. He glanced at Kamiko, and then peered to the side, a slight blush forming on his cheeks. "Um...Senpai.... Correct me if I'm wrong, but is that a hickey on your neck?" he asked. 

Kamiko clasped a hand to the left side of her neck, remembering the night before. Her face turned beet red as her jaws dropped to the ground. "H-How did you- I-I-I mean of course you'd see it you can see everything..." she stuttered.

"Well, uh, I'm not using my quirk actually.... It's....quite obvious...." a drop of sweat rolled down the side of his temple nervously as he turned his head away to hide his blush. Kamiko also turned her face away in embarrassment. Clearvo teases Bakugou a lot about Kamiko, and he's usually very comfortable talking about these kind of things, but that's only if he's talking to another man. 

Kamiko squatted down on the ground, steam coming out of her ears. "Oh god.... You mean to tell me everyone saw this?" she asked.

"Most likely...." Clearvo walked to the power cage. "Um... So are you and Bakugou-senpai like....dating now?"

Kamiko lifted her head up at the boy, who lifted the weight from the rack, adjusting it at his shoulder and started doing squats. "No...we're not..." she muttered, though audible enough for him to hear. 

"Huh? Why not?!" I could have sworn you two like each other, he thought. 

Kamiko tucked a loose strand of hair that was in her face behind her ear. "I don't think he likes putting labels on things..." she answered.

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