63. Souichirou

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Kamiko groaned. She felt nauseous, like she just woke up from a hangover or something.

"Yo," a familiar voice echoed in the large warehouse.

Kamiko tilted her head slightly, eyes shifting to the left to see a young, silver haired man sitting on a chair in front of her. He wore a pair of black, ripped skinny jeans that showed off his well toned thigh muscles. Without the denim jacket, his defined biceps were very much visible. If Kamiko weren't currently tied up and laying on the dirty, dusty warehouse floor, she would have started drawing him for references. She let out a soft sigh as she pushed herself up into a sitting position.

"Souichirou, what the fuck is the meaning of this?" Kamiko demanded. She glared at the man sitting in front of her, her cold grey eyes meeting his.

The corner of the man's lips tugged upward as he ran his hand through his bangs, pushing his hair. "Been a while hasn't it, Kamiko?"


"Stop the camera," Akemi said. The security guard pressed space on the keyboard, pausing the footage. Behind Akemi stood Bakugou and Kirishima. Meanwhile Kaminari was outside the security room, on the call with Deku, Shoto, Uravity, Ingenium, and many others. "That guy!" Akemi pointed to a man in the video. "That's the guy I saw before I got knocked out. I didn't see his face but I won't forget that t-shirt!"

"Well you can't see his face here anyways, he's wearing a fucking baseball cap," Bakugou grumbled.

Kirishima nudged Bakugou softly. "We know you're worried, but she's trying to help. Be nice." Bakugou let out a loud snort and clicked his tongue, but Kirishima knew that was his best attempt at putting away his attitude.

Bakugou's brows were scrunched up like a crumpled piece of paper, his arms crossed as his fingers tapped impatiently on his arm while they watched the security footage. There was so many curse words pent up in his mouth, for he couldn't believe just how many blind spots the security cameras had. After he rescues Kamiko the first thing he'll do is fucking destroy this building and force them to redo all the camera placements.

It took utterly forever just to put together all the footage to see just what exactly happened.

Thankfully, there was a security camera in the studio. The camera was located in the far corner, but it was able to barely catch Kamiko and Akemi's side of the room.

Bakugou's fist clenched when the security guard started playing the footage of just before Kamiko got kidnapped. There she was, sitting on the chair in front of the easel, sketching. The anger and frustration in Bakugou's eyes softened, his brows relaxing just slightly. Kirishima could hear Bakugou inhale. The red haired man peered at his best friend from the corner of his eyes, only to see the toughest guy he knew bite his bottom lip, eyes red with tears brimming in the corners. Oh god.... Kirishima thought. Bakugou's really worried.

The ash blonde's eyes were locked to the screen. He didn't even blink, for he was afraid that he'd miss a single detail. In the video, Akemi stood up, packing her things. "Here, I was getting ready to leave. And I asked Miko if she was gonna leave too 'cause it's getting late, and here she's telling me she'll stay a bit longer to finish up." Akemi pointed out. The heroes watched as Akemi walked to the door and opened it. They put the footage from the camera outside the studio parallel to the one inside the room to see what was happening in both angles.

Soon after Akemi opened the door, the man in the weird graphic T sprayed a purple gas at her. It didn't create a smokescreen, but rather a small puff, but it was enough to instantly knock Akemi unconscious. "What's that gas he used? Such instant effect!" Kirishima gasped.

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