21. Chase!

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A/N: You can listen to this ost while reading this chapter, it'll make the chapter much more dramatic!


From what they learned from the parents, the disappearance of the kids were very similar. One second they'd be right next to them, and when the parents turned their attention away for a while, the kids were gone. "That's exactly what happened with me. No sound, no nothing. She just disappeared," Kamiko confirmed. The police on site also have their speculation on kidnapping and human trafficking, and have decided to conduct a full on search in the mall. 

Just as Bakugou was about to call Clearvo to get him over, he got a warning on his phone that Kamiko was out of safe range. "Hey shitty woman, you said you gave the girl your phone right?" Bakugou asked.

"Yeah.... Wait! You mean-" Kamiko realized what Bakugou was hinting at, and joined him to look at his phone screen. Bakugou pulled up the GPS, which showed Kamiko's cell phone was currently on the highway already headed out the city. 

Bakugou tossed his phone to Kamiko. "You give me directions, we're going there right now," he said as he started heading towards the exit of the mall. On his way out, he grabbed a random police by the collar and demanded, "Where is your captain?!"

"H-He's outside sir!" the police saluted at Bakugou, recognizing the young hotheaded hero. Bakugou tossed him aside and continued his way out. 

"Wait! Bakugou!" Kamiko shouted as she chased behind him. Damn his long legs! "How do you plan on getting there?!"

"By air!" Bakugou replied.

"You mean you plan to blast your way there?!"

"YOU GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT?!" Bakugou snapped at Kamiko. 

"You don't have your hero's outfit. Doing that would overwork your quirk! By the time you get there you won't even have the strength to fight!" Kamiko pointed out. "Plus these guys are already out of the city on the inter-prefecture highway. Your quirk doesn't make you fly, you have to have landing spots. You can't just make use of cars as stepping stones in the highway!" The two of them made it out of the automatic door of the mall, and there were a line of police cars parked right in front. 

"Tsk!" Bakugou clicked his tongue, knowing Kamiko has a point. "Well you got any better plans?! Just look! They're traveling over 140 km/hr!"

Kamiko looked at the GPS, brows furrowed. That's indeed really fast. Suddenly she turned to the police cars lined up all together, and a big smile graced her face. "I can go faster!" she said.

"What?" Bakugou raised a brow.

"Can you get me a police car?"


"Can you get me a police car?" she repeated. The look in her eyes told Bakugou she wasn't kidding. He had no idea what she wanted with a police car, but he made his way to the captain in charge, and told him to give them a police car. 

"I can't just give you a police car," said the captain.

"Then you can sit in the back and supervise us. Just give me the keys! Or else we won't be able to make it! Hurry!" Kamiko shouted, her hand stretched out. Bakugou's eyes widened at how aggressive she was being. "KEYS!"

"H-Here..." the police captain Nakahara handed the keys of his own police car to Kamiko. "Ground Zero who is....?" Just as he was about to ask Bakugou who Kamiko is, the silver haired woman threw her bags in the trunk and already sat herself in the driver's seat. "HEY!" Bakugou got in the front passenger seat, so Nakahara had no choice but to get in the back. "What are you guys doing?"

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