29. Crush

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Unlike her dream, the sky that evening wasn't beautiful at all, but cloudy and dark. Unlike her dream, Inazumari stayed at the agency until really late. Unlike her dream, Bakugou didn't tell her that he liked her. The day went on as normal, like nothing ever happened between them. And then the next day, and the day after that. Gradually, Kamiko began to forget that the kiss even happened.

"So.... How's it going with you and Ground Zero?"

Kamiko choked on her iced latte at Akemi's sudden question. Akemi's brows raised in amusement as Kamiko patted her chest trying to calm her coughs.

"W-What do you mean?" Kamiko asked, wiping the latte from her chin.

"Like I mean.... You guys are going out right? I've seen you with him multiple times around the city, in and out of his hero costume," Akemi said.

Kamiko's face scrunched in confusion, "When- First of all, we are not going out! How many times do I have to tell you that? Second of all, when have you seen me multiple times around the city? The city is pretty big."

"Pshh, the world is only so big my dear friend! Okay, back to my questions. Well if you're not going out then what are you guys?" Akemi asked, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she leaned closer, hovering over the table.

"Coffee, you're gonna spill the coffee," Kamiko warned as she pushed Akemi back on her seat and guarded their drinks. The two of them were sitting in the small campus cafe next to the canteen, taking a break from their art assignments. She tried to ignore Akemi's burning gaze, but eventually gave in and let out a sigh. "To be honest... I don't even know what we are."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Well, um... We kinda.....made out," Kamiko whispered as she scratched the back of her neck almost guiltily.

"WHAT?!" Akemi nearly jumped from her seat. She slammed her hands on the table, nearly knocking everything down.

"Yo! Shhhhhh!" Kamiko crouched down as people started looking their way. A few people sitting around them typing away on their computers gave Akemi a harsh glare.

"Sorry..." Akemi bowed politely to everyone in the cafe before sitting down. "Girl....what?!" She then whisper yelled. "Deets! I want the deets!"

"I know I know, just calm down okay?" Kamiko hissed as she looked around. They got some weird looks from people lining up to order, but she just smiled apologetically at them before turning back to her friend. "It happened once. It was....I don't know how to describe it, just like-... It just happened."

Akemi frowned at her. "Girl, you are so bad at explaining. How did it happen?"

"Just-..." Kamiko's face started to turn red as the memory she had nearly pushed out of her head came crawling back vividly. "Now that I think about it, it was kinda my fault. I think I was...being a little touchy..."

"Touchy? Thats unexpected. I know you can get pretty flirty sometimes, but touchy is a first," Akemi acknowledged.

"I do?"

"Just like, you're really open about a lot of things, and you're not afraid to be vocal about it, but those kind of things could come off as flirty to some people," Akemi said. Kamiko raised a brow, recalling the past few weeks she's spent with Bakugou and the things she said. Were they flirty? And speaking of touchy, she has a feeling she and Bakugou shared more skin contact than she ever did with her other guy friends. Was that really just an accident? "But it's not like it's a problem. So explain this... Touchy." Akemi put quotes on the word "touchy."

Kamiko cringed just thinking about it. Quite frankly she can't even understand why she suddenly decided to start feeling him up. "I just.... Started touching his back muscles, and then he turned around and one thing led to another we just....yeah."

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