67. Very Gently

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WARNING: SEXUAL CONTENT! Skip this chapter if you're uncomfortable with that.


Kamiko shuddered at the cold when Bakugou took off her clothes, leaving her in her undergarments and bandages. "Get in the covers," Bakugou whispered as he picked her up. He lifted the blanket and placed her down on the bed, with her head against the pillow. Then, he proceeded to take off his own clothes. He threw his shirt across the room, and let his sweatpants pool down to his ankles as he stepped out.

He then crawled into the blankets along with Kamiko, hovering over her. "Still cold?" he asked.

She shook her head. "Katsuki, I want you." Like a flame, her words lit the fuse inside Bakugou, exploding the cage that held the beast within. The bulge in his briefs grew larger against her, and Bakugou's heart raced with excitement.

"Fuck, don't say that. I won't be able to control myself," he hissed as he captured her lips with his. Bakugou's fingers snaked under her bra, lifting it up as he squeezed her breasts. Letting out a pleasure filled moan in response, Kamiko pressed her hand against his bulge, gently feeling his shape, massaging it.

She was more than knowledgeable of the male body, and was well aware of how to make a man feel good...in theory. She rubbed her hands along his bulge against the fabric of his underwear, trying to mirror the movements she watched in all those illicit videos. From the way Bakugou trembled, she could tell that she was doing it right.

"Ah-" Bakugou gasped as she tightened her grip on him. With his face beet red, Bakugou growled at her, "You little shit."

"Does it feel good?" Kamiko asked with a cheeky grin playing over her lips.

"Kh-" This was absolute torture. He just wants to get inside her, ravage her, destroy her, but he can't. Bakugou had to fight back his animal instincts, constantly reminding himself that she's injured. He needs to go gentle, very gentle.

He slid his hands under her, and unhooked her bra skillfully. It's not like he's done it many times, but he's seen those things lay around in her apartment often enough to know how they worked. Tossing those annoying undergarments to the side, Bakugou started kissing his way down. From the neck, to the collarbone. He placed soft, feathery kisses, almost like he was teasing her. Then, he licked her left nipple.

"K-Katsuki-" The wet, slimy feeling of his tongue stimulated her in a way Kamiko couldn't explain. Like little jolts of electricity, she felt tingly all over. He sucked on her, and laced his tongue over that sensitive bud over and over again. "Katsuki.....Ah- I..." He grinded his teeth on her gently, sending a pain filled pleasure coursing through her body.

Bakugou slipped his right hand in her underwear. He loved how she was already wet for him. Her body was sensitive to stimulation. He pressed his fingers against her leaking womanhood and rubbed her in a circular motion. "Mmm.." She whimpered softly as her arms wrapped around his shoulders. Bakugou kissed her between her breasts, slowly tracing down. His lips brushed against her bandages, and he gently traced the area over her wound with his other hand.

His heart clenched tightly as he placed a soft kiss on her stomach. His lips trailed downwards while he slowly removed her wet panties, dropping it to the ground. "God you're so fucking sexy," he muttered softly while pressing his lips to her inner thigh.

"Katsuki, you're not gonna-"

"Shhhh," Bakugou cut Kamiko off. His eyes met hers, and he smirked seductively while biting down softly on her inner thigh fat. "Just relax."

Kamiko bit her bottom lip nervously as Bakugou's lips inched closer and closer to her puddle. Suddenly, she felt something wet press against her. A jolt of pleasure coursed through her body as Bakugou's tongue slipped inside her. She could hear the loud sound of him inhaling her secretions, as if they were a delicious dessert that he didn't want to waste a single drop of.

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