10. Coffee

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Ding Dong! 

"Welcome!" Otani Kousuke greeted as the door to the bagel shop opened and closed. He capped the lid of the coffee he was making and passed it to his coworker at the counter before making his way back to the register. His face lit up when he recognized the silver messy bun. "Why if it isn't the internet famous Miko-chan!" Otani chuckled as he leaned over the counter. He rested his chin on his palm and grinned at the young manga artist. "What are you doing here on a Saturday morning?"

Kamiko dragged her feet towards the brunette, letting out a long sigh as she asked for some coffee and her usual bagel. Otani raised a brow while he took her credit card and swiped it on the register. "What's wrong?" he asked. 

"I was replying to messages all night long." Kamiko walked away from the register to the pick up corner, while Otani followed her. She rubbed her sore shoulders as she told him, "Don't you dare ask."

Otani chuckled. "When you came last time I already knew that you and Ground Zero knew each other. He was wearing a hat and a mask so I didn't recognize him at first, but when Ina-san said he's his boss, I put the pieces together."

"You're coffee and bagel miss," Otani's coworker passed Kamiko her order. Kamiko took her order and sat down at a small round table at the corner of the store, followed by Otani, who sat down in front of her. They're usually not busy on the weekends, especially this early on a Saturday, so it was okay for him to leave his post. 

"And so? Why are you here?" he asked.

Kamiko leaned in, lowering her voice as she asked, "Can you lend me some of your gay porn?"

Otani blinked, a little taken aback by how far the topic has jumped, but he quickly answered, "Yeah sure, I'll drop it off at your place later today." Kamiko clapped her hands together in front of her face, closing her eyes as she uttered her thanks. Otani rested his chin on his palms again, his lips smirking a little as he asked, "Why? Are you finally gonna add some spice to your manga Iki-sensei?" 

Kamiko replied to his smirk with her own. "You seem awfully excited about it, even though you don't even ready my manga," she said as she took out the bagel from the paper bag it came in and took a bite out of it

"Who told you I don't read it?" He pulled back the flap of her coffee cup and slid it closer to her reach. She mumbled a thanks as she picked up the coffee to wash down the dryness in her mouth, raising a brow as she did so.

 "Last time I checked you said you don't read BL," Kamiko said.

"I don't usually, since they're often horrible depiction of the LGBTQ community, but I was interested in what you were writing about. Gotta say, it's pretty good." That put a big grin on Kamiko's face.

"I'm glad I got your approval!" she giggled. "So how are you doing with that crush of yours? Made a move yet?"

Otani rubbed the back of his neck as his face turned red, smiling sheepishly as he admitted, "Not...so great....I'm still debating on whether or not he swings that way." Kamiko hummed as she took another bite out of her bagel. The bell of the front door rung, signalling that there was another customer. Otani quickly got up to greet the customer, and took her order. Kamiko sat there staring at Otani. 

She met him when she first came to this city, when she just moved in to her apartment a few streets down. She was on her way to school and she hadn't had breakfast, that was when she saw him, laying out a sign for the bagel shop. He caught her eye immediately. The brown locks, emerald eyes, he looked gorgeous, the perfect model for her new manga. And so she walked in and bought a bagel. 

She didn't expect him to actually be gay, and that only fueled her fujoshi mind even more. After weeks of staring, Otani finally decided to talk to her, and that's how they became friends. He was intrigued by how Kamiko was an aspiring BL manga artist, and so he often gave her tips and advice on how to portray same sex relationship. 

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