33. Summer Break!

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"You got pencils?"




"What about your amulet? You bring that?"

"Yes Mom, I have it. I'm gonna go now," Kamiko rolled her eyes as she slipped on her shoes at the front door. "Geez. Now you're a worrywart."

"I mean it's UA! The best hero school in the whole country! Your dad and I dreamed of going there!" Kamiko's mother exclaimed.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. See ya," Kamiko opened the door. She tapped her shoes on the ground twice to adjust its fit on her feet. She then left for the entrance exam of UA hero academia. She didn't feel any pressure, for she couldn't care less whether she gets in or not. Even if she gets in, she secretly applied for the general studies instead of the hero course anyways.

Now, years later, Kamiko's attitude towards her upcoming exam was a complete 180. "Ahhhh! What do I do? I'm not ready!"  she cried as she clutched her head.

Bakugou slid the backpack strap that slipped off her shoulder back on her shoulder. "Sucks to be you." He snickered at her. Kamiko stood at the front of her campus, preparing to go in.

"Arrghh! Okay! Fine! Here I go," she groaned as she started taking steps toward the gate.

"Hey shithead!" Bakugou called out. Kamiko stopped and turned around, curious as to what he has to say. He smiled reassuringly at her, and said, "You won't fail."

A smile graced her lips. "Treat me to dinner tonight okay? To celebrate the end of my semester."

"Hah? Why should I do that?!"

"Because I said so!" Kamiko stuck her tongue out. "See ya!" She waved at Bakugou as she ran inside, heading for the fifth teaching building. Bakugou smiled watching her disappear into the campus gates.

"Clearvo, she's in now. Where are you?" Bakugou asked on the phone.

"Within range boss. Also, are you two like...dating now?" The young sidekick asked.


Clearvo winced at the loudness of Bakugou's voice, holding the mobile device a good distance from his face. After Bakugou's outburst, the call was ended. "Well if you say so." The 18 year old shrugged.

The test went surprisingly smooth for Kamiko. She felt super unprepared going in, but a lot of questions that appeared on the test were actually questions she studied. There were a few questions that left her clueless, but she felt like she could at least get a 70% on the test. At this point she didn't even want an A in the class, she just wants to pass.

"Pens down! Test is over!" The proctors came around to collect all the test papers. Kamiko stretched her arms in the air, letting out a satisfied groan. She handed her paper to the TA coming over, and started packing her stationaries.

"Miko-chan, wanna eat with us? We need to celebrate! Akemi, Fumika, and I are thinking of going to the karaoke tonight too." Yoshitaka tapped her on the shoulder.

"I can do lunch if it's on campus. I can't for karaoke though, sorry."

Yoshitaka's brows furrowed. "You haven't been hanging with us much the past month. I mean I know you're busy with your manga and all, but you should really come karaoke with us once in a while," he said.

Kamiko smiled apologetically at her friend. She can't tell him she's under protection from the League of Villains, nor can she tell him she's having dinner with the city's most popular hero. "Yeah, I'll try," she replied. "So where are you guys planning on getting lunch?"

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