61. Never Again

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Kamiko can't quite remember the details of what happened last night. Her body ached everywhere, especially down there. She could feel the sunlight pushing through the crack between the curtains, reflecting off her skin, but it was impossible to open her eyes. She vaguely remembered that she had class today, but she couldn't move a muscle. Her mind kept switching between the conscious and unconscious state. By the time she finally found the strength to open her eyes, it was already late in the afternoon.

She attempted to move her legs, but the slight shifting caused immense pain in her thighs and lower back, as if she just got back from an intense leg workout. Suddenly, she felt something beneath her begin to move. That was when she realized she was laying on Bakugou's chest. He seemed to have sensed her movement, for his arm around her shoulder tightened, pulling her closer to him.

Bakugou exhaled a long breath, humming slightly as he gently glided his hand along Kamiko's bare torso, stopping at her waist. At that moment Kamiko recognized two things, the disappearance of Katsuki the clone, and the bareness of their bodies. The disappearance of Katsuki was easy to understand. They had passed the 48 hours mark, so Katsuki must have vanished some time while they were asleep.

When Kamiko laid eyes on the purple marks on her arms and body, she was forced to recall the events of last night.

The air conditioning was turned on, yet the room was heated like a sauna. Sweat drenched hair stuck to Kamiko's neck, much to her discomfort, but she was in no condition to mind them. She buried her face into the crook of Bakugou's neck, her teeth sinking into his skin as a pain filled whimper seeped out of her lips.

Her vision was blurred, and her eyes stung. She lost count of how many times she had climaxed. At some point the sun had completely set, leaving the room in darkness, only the light from the living room seeping through the open crack of the bedroom door. The blankets and pillows had all fallen to the ground before she knew it.

Kamiko could barely focus on anything. From the soft grunts coming from both in front and behind her, she could sometimes make out her name. Her bare chest pressed against Bakugou's skin as well. She could feel his hardened nipples poking against her skin. He was hot to the touch, his skin moist and sticky. However, none of that was registering in her brain. The strange mixture of plain and pleasure completely took away her ability to think.

Back then, when Kamiko was first introduced to the BL genre, and when she first learned about anal sex, she used to cringe with disgust. Later, as she began to learn more about the genre, and as sex education became more prevalent in her curriculum, that disgust slowly turned into curiosity. She once asked Kousuke out of straight curiosity what it felt like to take it from behind. Although the young man's first response was to yell at the girl to know some shame, but he eventually tried to explain, but from the few words he provided, it was difficult to imagine or understand how getting penetrated from there could bring the pleasure they described. Now, through personal experience, Kamiko felt like she could understand.

When Katsuki first brought up the proposal, Kamiko was against it, but years of fantasizing over the mysterious source of pleasure featured in the romance genre she adored shook her resolve. Eventually, Katsuki and Bakugou spent hours simply trying to loosen her up, get her to relax. Even so, she could barely take in Katsuki's size. To make matter's worst, she had Bakugou entering from the place right next to Katsuki.

Her nails dug into Bakugou's back. A lot of what happened after that faded from her memories. She could only remember feeling like she was getting ripped apart, but at the same time it felt like someone was lifting her up into the clouds.

Bakugou rarely falls into deep slumber. His consciousness returned when he sensed movement, but the heaviness in his eyelids felt like someone filled them with lead. Instead of allowing the girl in his arms to free herself, he tightened his grip, as if he were scared that she might disappear from him. Neither of them showered after the long bedroom exercise, but Bakugou can't smell the malodorous stench of sweat on Kamiko at all. In fact, he was absolutely intoxicated by the sweet scent she was giving off.

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