31. Sick Care

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Getting sick right before the final exam is the absolute worse, because you need to rest to make sure you're better by the test, but at the same time you feel like you need to study so you can actually pass the damn thing. "Starry night.... Expressionism...." Kamiko kept muttering questions she knew and didn't know in her sleep.

"Hey shithead, wake up. Stop quizzing yourself in your dream. It's time for dinner." Bakugou gently tapped her. He places the back of his hand on the cold pack which was now not so cold anymore, and decided to gently tear it off her forehead. Kamiko's brows twitched. Her face and neck was covered in sweat, to the point where her pillowcase was actually soaked. Bakugou lifted the blanket, to find the inside all moist too. Tch, guess we'll have to change this before she goes back to sleep.

"Bakugou?" Kamiko's voice was raspy, and her lips were very chapped from dehydration.

"Finally awake shitface?" Bakugou smirked. Kamiko pushed herself up, groaning a little when she felt her head ache, and then found her pajamas sticking to her skin.

"Ew, I'm all sweaty now," she groaned.

"Take a shower after dinner. Come on, the congee is ready," Bakugou said as he helped her get up from the bed slowly. He placed his hand over her forehead as he sat her down by the coffee table. Still hot, but better than before. The fever might just go away completely after tonight like she said. "Drink some water first. You're lips are dried up."

"Oh." Kamiko saw a glass of water sitting right in front of her, and she cupped it with both hands, taking small and slow sips. Bakugou sat down across from her. He grabbed his spoon to eat his food, but Kamiko just sat there in a daze, slowly sipping her water.

"Oi, woman."

"Hmm?" Kamiko looked up.

Bakugou's brows furrowed worriedly. "Eat."

"Oh, right," Kamiko muttered softly as she picked up her spoon. She rubbed her forehead a little as she blew on the steaming congee. Okay that's really cute, Bakugou clutched his chest. "It's good." She smiled as she chewed. "Bakugou you can really make anything taste good."

"You don't have a stuffy nose or anything?" Kamiko shook her head. Not a cold then, Bakugou diagnosed. She took small bites and chewed slowly. Around halfway through the bowl Bakugou noticed she was having trouble with her food, but didn't want to waste. "You don't have to finish if it's too much. Go take a shower and change into some clean clothes. I'll change the bed sheets."

"No, I'll do it mys-"

"I said I'll fucking do it!" Bakugou pulled her up from the ground. He went to her closet where she kept her clean clothes and undergarments and grabbed a set of clean pajamas and underwear, and shoved her into the bathroom while she protested.

Kamiko watched as Bakugou slammed the bathroom door behind her. She let out a soft sigh before leaning her head on the door. You shouldn't be so nice to me. If you keep being so nice to me..... I'll.... She shook her head and started undressing herself.

Bakugou knew where Kamiko kept everything. She had no problem with him seeing her undergarments as long as she wasn't wearing them. After two months of living with her, he was already familiar with her tiny apartment. She didn't have a lot of spare bedsheets, but she had at least one extra set. After dumping the sweaty sheets into the laundry basket, Bakugou cleaned up the dishes.

Kamiko walked out of the bathroom to find Bakugou in the kitchen. "I'm sorry," she apologized. "For making you do all the work." She leaned on the door frame which had no door, and Bakugou stopped what he was doing. He wiped his wet hands and walked over to her. Kamiko could feel her heartbeat speed up as he closed in on her. She let him put his hand on her forehead, enjoying his gentleness as he compared her temperature to his.

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