36. Bakugou Household

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Oh my god! Oh my god! Kamiko's heart pounded in her chest when she found herself standing in front of Bakugou's house. Crap I should have prepared some gifts! Why did I come empty handed?! She just realized she forgot to prepare souvenirs.

"Arf! Arf! Arf!"

Huh? Kamiko's eyes widened when the front door to Bakugou's house burst open and a small, puffy, furry thing came running out towards them. "Arf! Arf! Grrrrrrrr!"

"Geh-" Bakugou growled at the thing approaching him. Kamiko watched wide eyed as the little ball of ash blonde fluff stopped right in front of Bakugou, crouched down looking up, growling and barking at him. "Shut the fuck up dog!" The dog glared at Bakugou with hatred in its eyes. Kamiko couldn't help but notice the resemblance between the little Pomeranian and Bakugou. The same ash blonde fluffy, spiky hair And slanted angry looking red eyes. Wow! It's Bakugou as a dog! So cute!

"I knew you were back the moment I heard him start barking like that. As always he hates your guts! Hahaha!" Kamiko ripped her eyes off the dog and followed the source of the voice to see a female version of Bakugou standing at the front door. She had the same ash blonde spikes and beautiful red orbs, except her lashes were fuller than Bakugou's. She wore a purple cardigan over a tight white shirt and a black pencil skirt. His sister, definitely his sister, Kamiko thought. "Oh? Who might this be?" Ahh our eyes met! Kamiko panicked when the woman turned towards her.

"N-Nice to meet you! My name is Iki Kamiko. Sorry for the intrusion!" Kamiko bowed ninety degrees at the woman.

"Oh my!" The woman put a hand over her agaped mouth. "Katsuki when you said you're bringing someone over I thought you meant Eijirou! My! My! What a cutie!"

Kamiko's cheeks began to heat up at her sudden compliment. "Ah no..." She looked down shyly. You are much prettier.

"Stop giving her a hard time and get your damn dog away from me!" Bakugou growled at the woman.

"I was complimenting her. And you little rascal you should have said sooner that you were bringing a girl! I would have cleaned out the guest room!" The woman stomped over. Kamiko felt the man beside her tense up as the older blonde came closing in on them. She gasped when the woman suddenly smacked Bakugou on the head before picking up the dog from the ground.



EHHHHHH?! Kamiko blinked in confusion. Is this normal? Should she stop them?

"B-Bakugou you shouldn't call your sister that, it's mean!" Kamiko tugged lightly on the edge of his shirt.

"Hah?!" Bakugou glared back. "The fuck are you talking about? I don't have a fucking sister."


"Oh my! You said sister!" the woman cupped her cheek with one hand blissfully.

Kamiko stared at them in confusion as Bakugou pointed to the woman with his thumb. "This is my old hag," he said.


"Nice to meet you! I'm Bakugou Mitsuki! Thank you for taking care of my idiot son!" Mitsuki said as she smacked Bakugou on the head again.


What?!  Kamiko's smile froze on her face as her brain started to work at the speed of lightning. Hold on a second this doesn't match up! How can someone this young have a son my age?! How old was she when she gave birth to him?!

[BNHA] Fight Me! Protect Me! Love Me! | Bakugou Katsuki  x OCWhere stories live. Discover now