53. Ambiguous

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(Warning: major spoiler for the BL anime movie The Clouds Gather so if you guys plan to watch it but have not watched it go watch it now!)

Kamiko pushed herself up. There was so much liquid in her lower region that it felt uncomfortable, and she had a strong urge to pee. She looked down, to see a patch of blood on the bedsheets, mixed with her other secretions. "Oh god..." She muttered softly as she brushed her hair out of her face. "I really made a mess..."

Suddenly Bakugou walked in again. This time Kamiko subconsciously covered herself with her arms, even though just a few minutes ago she was fully exposed to this man. "Um.... I bled on your bed sheets..." Kamiko's eyes trailed down nervously.

"So? That's normal," Bakugou walked over to his closet and grabbed one of his black t-shirts with a skull print on it and tossed it over to Kamiko. "Here. The bath still needs a while before it's filled, so we can have dinner first and change the bedsheets. I don't have time to make anything, so we're having instant ramen."

"O-Okay, that's fine," Kamiko's eyes widened as she caught the shirt and tugged it over her head. She didn't think Bakugou would be such a gentleman when it came to these things. It's... Honestly kind of shocking, but also very heart warming. A soft smile made it's way to her lips as she watched Bakugou slide into some spare clothes.

He then turned to her. "Can you stand?"

"Yeah, of course," Kamiko placed her feet onto the ground, but after one step, tripped over her own ankle, and fell forward. Bakugou quickly darted towards her, catching her before she hit the ground.

"Whoa! Careful, you idiot!" Bakugou shouted.

Kamiko's heart raced as she looked up at him, silver eyes meeting those strawberry colored orbs.

Bakugou's brows furrowed slightly at the woman in his arms. His eyes scanned her up and down. Seeing the red marks he left on her collarbone, and the hand print on her thighs where he gripped too hard, Bakugou felt a hint of pain tugging at his chest. Did he perhaps go too hard on her? It is her first time after all.

"S-Sorry..." Kamiko stuttered as she pushed herself out of Bakugou's arms. Her eyes darted downward. For some reason, she couldn't bring herself to hold eye contact. "Excuse me for a sec..." She said before rushing to the bathroom. Bakugou's eyes followed her worriedly. He then looked down at the clothes on the floor, then at the blood on the bed sheets.

Bakugou collected the clothes and bedsheets and threw them in the laundry basket. Kamiko had some spare undergarments here so he quickly grabbed one for her and dropped it off at the bathroom.

When Kamiko got out, she felt much better. There wasn't a lot of bleeding, basically all of it got onto the bedsheet. Now, it was the feeling of embarrassment settling in. Aaahhhhhh!!!! I can't believe I just seduced him into taking my virginity!!!! KAMIKO YOU SLUT! She ruffled her own hair. She peeked past the corners of the hall to find Bakugou in the kitchen. She saw him open two packs of ramen. He's so perfect.... Handsome, sexy, cooks, monster dick, great at sex... Of course he'd have tons of girls jumping on him. All those condoms in the drawers... He must have had a lot of girls over....

"Why the fuck are you standing there? The food is almost ready," Bakugou noticed her from the corner of his eye. He raised a brow at her and gestured for her to come over.

Kamiko slowly crawled out of where she hid, walking towards him nervously, cheeks flushed a light pink. "I.... I just..." she didn't know how to explain that she only just now started to feel embarrassed about jumping on him. 

Bakugou's eyes trailed up and down, admiring the way she looked in his shirt. It was too big on her, reaching down to her mid thighs like a short dress. Bakugou put one arm around her waist pulling her close. This woman is his, and his only. 

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