12. Hospital

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"Ground Zero, that's enough! It's dead!" Kirishima shouted, running over to his friend. He grabbed Bakugou by the waist, pulling him away from the Nomu Bakugou was continuously firing his explosions at. "You're injured. You need to get treated immediately!"

When Bakugou finally realized that the Nomu wasn't going to get up again, he let out deep breath, and his eyes rolled back as his body went limp in Kirishima's arms. "Ground Zero? Ground Zero!"

"Bakugou!" Kamiko stepped over the rubbles and crawled her way over to the blonde hero. "Bakugou! Bakugou! Wake up!" She patted him on the face. The warm and sticky blood streaming down from his head stained her fingers. 

"Iki-san, take him for me, I'll go get help. I think he's got some head trauma," Kirishima handed Bakugou to Kamiko. Kamiko grabbed Bakugou's body, carefully laying his head on her shoulder as she supported him with her torso. Kirishima ran towards the streets, and guided the ambulance over to where they were. Kamiko used her quirk to move the large debris and obstacles out of the way, paving a path for the support heroes and medics to bring the stretcher. Kirishima and the doctors helped lay Bakugou on the stretcher. Kirishima looked at Kamiko, his eyes full of worry. "Iki-san, you go with him to the hospital. I need to go back up Chargebolt and the other heroes who are still fighting. Please be safe."

"O-Okay!" Kamiko nodded. She looked at the unconscious hero on the stretcher, her heart beating a thousand beats per minute. Will he be okay? 

On the ambulance ride, the doctor informed that Bakugou fractured two ribs and his left forearm. There is some head trauma but from the looks of it he's not in a life threatening situation. Kamiko let out a long sigh of relief. When they arrived at the hospital, Bakugou was rushed into the ER. Kamiko's body froze when she saw the devastating scene at the hospital. The whole place was packed with people, injuries great and small. Adults and children crying for the loss of loved ones. "Mommy! Where's Mommy?!" she heard a little girl cry. 

Not again..... Chaos, panic..... The peace and trust that the heroes have managed to build and maintain the past two years, completely destroyed. Just what is going to happen to us? Kamiko wondered. 

A little later a nurse came running up to Kamiko. "You're with Ground Zero right?" she asked.

"Yes! Yes I am!" Kamiko replied. "How is he?"

"He'll be fine. We've moved him to a special hospital room, you can go see him," the nurse gestured for the girl to follow her. They went upstairs to the fifth floor, and the nurse led Kamiko to a room at the end of the hall. Inside the hospital room was Bakugou, laying on the hospital bed with bandages all over his arms, torso, and head. "We fixed his ribs and his fractured arm. He has a concussion but it'll heal given time. Recovery Girl is on her way here, and she can speed up his healing process."

"Thank you," Kamiko bowed at the nurse before the nurse left to deal with the other patients. The silver haired girl took a seat beside the sleeping blonde's bed, on a small wooden stool. His heart rate monitor beeped uniformly, indicating his steady heartbeat. She sighed for the god knows how many time today, and laid her head on the edge of his bed, right beside his broken left arm. With her head tilted, she gazed at his bruised, handsome face. "I'm sorry," she muttered before her exhaustion got to her. Like a lullaby, the steady rhythm of Bakugou's heartbeat put her to sleep. 

She felt like she only passed out for a second, but when she woke up again it was already dark outside. Kamiko rubbed the sleep from her eyes as she sat up, suddenly noticing something slip from her shoulders. It was a small, thin blanket. "Finally up you shitty woman?" The voice snapped all the sleepiness out of Kamiko as she looked up at the blonde man sitting up against pillows. "You were drooling all over my bed sheet. Disgusting."

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