60. Punishment

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"I can't believe you..."

Kamiko cleared her throat awkwardly as she scratched the back of her neck, her eyes darting everywhere except her computer screen. Her editor stared at her from the screen with a look of contempt. Miyano spoke again, "You get thrown into an otome game situation and the first thing you do is make them pose for you. Look at this crap that you drew!" Miyano shoved the sketch Kamiko faxed to her in the camera. "It's a fucking masterpiece!"

"Ahahaha.... Gee, thanks!" Kamiko chuckled with blush dusting over her cheeks.

"That's not a fucking compliment Kamiko-sensei! Why the fuck would you waste such a good opportunity and spend your time on work?! What is wrong with you?!" Miyano screamed.

From the other side of the door, Bakugou and clone Katsuki stuck their ears to the crack, hearing everything Miyano said clearly. They couldn't help but nod their heads in agreement. For the past 24 hours, Kamiko was in a cycle of fainting and drawing. Refusing to listen to either of them, she neither ate nor rested, and the two of them could only watch her produce sketches like a printing press.

Bakugou knew she was a workaholic. Ever since he started living with her, he has watched her stay up late at night finishing up sketches and manuscripts. At times, when she's inspired by something, even if it has nothing to do with her manga, she will throw everything out the window and put all her attention into that one drawing.

Seeing her put him and Katsuki to the side did hurt, especially since they just confirmed their relationship. If they were a normal couple, they should be in the "honeymoon" phase right now. However, he's a professional hero, and she's a manga artist. Both jobs are time consuming. He originally thought he could put his clone to work, and use this chance to spend some time with Kamiko, but there she went, locking herself up, refusing to even look at him, only staring at his pictures that she took earlier.

Katsuki sighed. He only has 48 hours in this world, and Kamiko went ahead and wasted over 30 hours of it. It's not like he's scared of disappearing. Once he disappears, he'll only return to being the original Bakugou, but he did have disappointments. After all, Miyano was right, it's not every day that a girl can date two people at the same time without cheating. Kamiko's brain, however, didn't seem to work the same way as normal girls.

After about ten more minutes of scolding, Kamiko finally came out of the locked room with an apologetic look on her face. It's as if she only just now realized that what she did to them was actually really cruel as a girlfriend. Bakugou originally had a mouthful of curse words and complaints he wanted to make, but seeing those round innocent looking silver eyes, he could only swallow them all back. He switched to making a "tch" sound and looking away.

Ah, shit.... He's really unhappy with me this time. The corner of Kamiko's lips tugged upward awkwardly, her eyes darting towards Katsuki. Their gaze met, and Katsuki could easily read the look in her eyes. She's asking for his help, hoping that as Bakugou's clone, Katsuki's could persuade Bakugou to forgive her.

Katsuki stared back. His lips then started tugging upwards as an idea came to him. Katsuki hooked one arm around Bakugou, his eyes curved into crescents, never leaving Kamiko. "She made such a fool out of us, then went off and ignored us for that long. Now that deserves some punishment, don't you think?"

Kamiko's jaws dropped, and Bakugou raised a brow at his clone. Katsuki exchanged glances with Bakugou, who immediately understood what Katsuki was referring to. At first his brows knitted tightly, but he also couldn't help but feel excited by the idea. He's only done it with her once, but he could still feel the smooth sensation of her skin along the tips of his fingers. As memories of how she squirmed under him, and how she softly whimpered his name came rushing back to him, all the blood cells in his body started rushing towards his lower half, as if there was a monster inside him threatening to devour them all.

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