8. Barbecue

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It would have been a starry night if not for the light pollution. Kamiko looked up at the sky, hoping that the longer she stares at it the more stars she'll notice. After the big storm the sky is free of clouds. She was so focused on the sky she nearly bumped into a light post on her way to Bakugou's agency. 

"I don't fucking need help!" From outside his agency Kamiko could already hear his voice. Bakugou didn't sound very happy. 

"Bakugou this isn't the time to be stubborn. The League is on the move again, and we don't know what their aim is!" 

It was Kirishima's voice. Kamiko's brows raised. He didn't tell her he was coming back to their city. She actually quite enjoyed talking to him the other time, and she was looking forward to seeing him again, but it seemed like he and Bakugou were in some sort of argument. 

"Kirishima's right. We need to join forces man." This time it was another voice, one that Kamiko doesn't recognize. She wondered why they were arguing so close to the front door of the agency, and she also wondered if she should go in. 

"No, what we need is to spread out. Having three top 100 heroes in the same city makes no sense," Bakugou replied. Kamiko's eyes widened, for Bakugou actually said something that makes logical sense. "Who's there?!" 

Uh oh! Kamiko quickly opened the door before Bakugou starts attacking her. "Um, did I come at a bad timing?" she asked.

At the lobby stood Bakugou, arms crossed, still in his hero costume, and Kirishima, along with a blonde male with black zigzag streaks in his hair. Kirishima looked a little surprised to see Kamiko, but the blonde man's jaws dropped straight to the ground. "B-BAKUGOU YOU GOT A GIRLFRIEND?! AND SHE'S A BEAUTY?!" he shrieked, jealousy and anger both present in his voice.

"She's not my girlfriend!" Bakugou glared at the blonde.

"Iki-san!" Kirishima exclaimed, walking over to her. "How've you been?"

"Uhh...great! What are you and Chargebolt doing here?" Kamiko pointed at Kirishima and the blonde man.

"Iki? As in Iki Kamiko?!" 

"Ah yes Kaminari, this is Iki Kamiko. She goes to college in this city!" Kirishima confirmed. He then gestured at Kaminari. "That's Kaminari. He was in our class back in high school."

"I know, I saw him around I just never knew his name." Her words were like daggers, reminding Kaminari how pitifully unpopular he was back in high school. Although he's doing well as a hero now, he's still doing a little weak on the popularity with women part. 

Bakugou realized today was Saturday, and he was supposed to have his sparring with Kamiko today. Kirishima and Kaminari's arrival completely distracted him from his schedule. He let out a long sigh and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "The fight's canceled today Shitty Woman, go home." 

Kamiko noticed the concerned look in Bakugou's eyes. Unlike usual, he was actually worried about something. When facing normal villains, he'd usually put on a confident, almost arrogant demeanor, but at the mentioning of League of Villains, Bakugou's face said business. There was a hint of maturity that she never knew he had. "Um...I heard your conversation from the outside, do I need to get brainwashed?" she asked, half joking and half serious. It sounded like something they wouldn't want a normal civilian knowing, in case the news spreads and leads to a widespread panic, like what happened back when they were in high school.

"What? No!" Kirishima laughed. "Of course not! You're fine. We were just talking about joining agencies in preparation for any movement of the League of Villains."

"But King Explosion Murder here doesn't want to since he's too good to need our help," Kaminari said, pointing to Bakugou with his thumb. 

Kamiko looked at Kaminari and Kirishima, then at Bakugou, who looked at her with his brows furrowed, still expecting her to leave. "I don't think Bakugou is necessarily wrong," she said. The ash blonde's eyes widened, for he clearly remember her giving him a lecture about letting go of his ego and receiving help. "I mean if you guys are all here, what about Esuha and Kamino?" By Esuha she was referring to Fatgum agency, where Kirishima works, and by Kamino she was talking about where Kaminari works as well. 

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