14. Sleeping Over

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Bakugou has never had something this spicy. It wasn't spicy enough to the point where he can't handle it, but it wasn't like anything he's ever had before. Spicy, and kind of numbing. "What is this?"

"This is Sichuan Spicy sauce. My aunt sent it over from China," Kamiko showed Bakugou the label of the jar. 

Bakugou took a look at the jar. He could make out the meaning since he recognized the kanji on it, but he raised a brow at Kamiko. "Why is your aunt at China?"

"My grandma on my maternal side is Chinese. My aunt said she wanted to connect with that side of the her lineage and moved to China when she was 18 to study abroad. She ended up marrying a Chinese man and staying there," Kamiko explained before taking a bite out of her cheese ramen. Bakugou's brows raised in awe. So she's a quarter Chinese, he realized. That was pretty cool. 

"Do you speak Chinese?" he asked.

"Pshhhhh no. My mom doesn't even speak it. The only Chinese part about us is our tolerance for spiciness," Kamiko grinned at Bakugou. "And I'm impressed. Literally no one can eat my spicy sauce and still keep a straight face. Bakugou you're a first." That put a smirk on Bakugou's face. He snickered at Kamiko proudly, like a six year old showing off that he can do a cartwheel in front of his friends. Kamiko snorted at how childish his expression looked.

"The fuck are you laughing about?!" Bakugou demanded. 

"N-Nothing..." Kamiko covered her mouth as she continued to chuckle. How immature, she thought. 

Kamiko cleaned up the table after they were done eating. She washed the dishes and the ramen bowls, drying them before throwing them into the recycle. Because Japan is very strict about recycling, they have to clean their trash before they throw them away. 

Since Bakugou was going to spend the night here guarding her, she laid out a futon for him on the ground in her room. She hasn't had a sleep over since she was six years old, not to mention she's never had a guy stay over at her place before. All of a sudden she felt a little bit nervous.

The wall clock read 9:30, a little early for bed time. "Wanna...do something?" Kamiko asked.

"Like what?" Bakugou replied. "I'm not reading your nasty books."

"No one asked you to," Kamiko's brows twitched with annoyance. "I was talking about like a movie or something."

Bakugou let out a disinterested grunt before replying, "Didn't you say you had homework or something?"

"You were the one who said there's something wrong with me for thinking about homework." Kamiko crossed her arms and frowned at the man. Boy was he a lot to deal with. "I'm trying to be a nice host here you know. I could just let you sit there in boredom, but I'm offering to put on a movie for you while I do work."

"I don't wanna watch any gay shit."

"Just because I like 'gay shit' doesn't mean I only have 'gay shit,'" Kamiko said, putting air quotations around 'gay shit'. She walked over to a shelf with a bunch of mangas. There was a strange pink box shaped thing, and Kamiko clicked on the front, and the box slid open. She flipped through her DVD container. "I have some old movies, like Totoro, Fast and Furious, do you like hero movies? You look like the type to like hero movies. Oh there's an All Might documentary to commemorate his retirement from like when we were first years in high school. What do you wanna watch?"

"We're not gonna watch a movie damn it!" Bakugou snapped, his tone revealing a little bit of his annoyance.

"We're not?"

"Do you still not get what situation you're in?" Bakugou stood from where he sat and walked up to her, he placed a hand over hers shoving the DVD holder back into the box. Kamiko gulped. He was standing close, and she can see the defined lines of his muscles under her cousin's shirt. Her eyes trailed up along his neck, all the way to his eyes. His piercing scarlet orbs glared down at her confused cold grey ones. "You're being targeted by the League of Villains, do you understand what that means?"

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