57. Good News

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The bareness of the trees on campus signaled the start of winter. As the temperature started dropping drastically, the students of UA all began to wear thick jackets. Once Kamiko stepped out of the dorm building, she exhaled deeply, her breath visible in the cold morning air. "It's pretty cold today," a raspy morning voice broke the silence from behind her. Kamiko looked up to see Shinsou coming out as well. 

Her eyes rested on the strange cloth that looked like toilet paper wrapped around his neck. "What's that? A new fashion trend?" she asked.

Shinsou rolled his eyes at the sarcasm in her voice. "Aizawa-sensei of Class A gave this to me," he said. "I'm going to be joining Class A and B in their joint training today."

"Seriously?" Kamiko's face instantly lit up, the corners of her lips stretching upward. "Hitoshi that's awesome!"

The purple haired boy didn't look excited, however. In fact, he looked down, eyes full of worry. It's been months since school started. Those in the hero course had plenty of time to train, and gained a lot of experience. Now here he is, joining in after all this time has gone by. Does he really have any hopes of catching up to them? The girl beside him, on the other hand, was smiling like the happiest person on earth. Kamiko gave him a hard pat on the back. "You got this hero!"

"Augh!" Shinsou stumbled forward, groaning in pain. He turned his head around, brows furrowed, ready to shout at the silver haired girl for using too much force, but swallowed the words back when he saw the ear to ear grin on her face. 

"Go get 'em!" Kamiko pumped her fist at him. The teenage boy smiled as he slowly raised his own fist.

"Yeah." The moment their knuckles met signaled the beginning of his path to becoming a hero.

Years later, the teenage boy now turned into a man, his best friend now a woman. She was the one who stood behind him, supported him, gave him the push he needed. Now, she looked at him, tears in the corner of her eyes. Fear, panic, and uncertainty filled those watery silver orbs. "What the fuck are you standing there for?! Go after him!" This time, it was his turn to give her the push she needed.

Shinsou watched as Kamiko chased after the man she loved. Even though a moment ago she claimed that she wasn't certain of her feelings, Shinsou knew that after this is over, both she and Bakugou will finally know how they truly feel towards each other. 

Looking back, the Shinsou back then never would have guessed that Bakugou and Kamiko would one day end up together like this. "But now that I think about it, they quite suit each other," he chuckled. The purple haired hero looked down at the coffee table, to see Kamiko's phone and purse still sitting on the surface. "Geez... Even if you're in a hurry don't go forgetting your essentials, you idiot."

He ended up dropping her things off at Ground Hero Agency, where he saw Kaminari and Kirishima. Shinsou shared the news of him staying in this city for the next few weeks, as well as Bakugou and Kamiko's relationship. Kirishima wasn't at all surprised, but Kaminari nearly jumped at the news. "What?! I thought Bakugou was-" the electric hero quickly covered his mouth, preventing him from finishing. He looked around, making sure Bakugou was nowhere in sight. Then he lowered his voice. "I thought Bakugou was gay."

"Hah?! Where did you come up with that?" Kirishima and Shinsou demanded.

"I saw him reading those BL manga the other day! And he was really into it!"

"Dude...." Kirishima and Shinsou both rolled their eyes at Kaminari.

Shinsou didn't stay to wait for Bakugou and Kamiko's return. Instead, he had to go back to his rented apartment to finish unpacking some stuff. Since he brought his cats, he had to make sure to go back and feed them. 

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